Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Swiping leftā€¦or is it right ?

As it ever was. The kids who have something have a lot more than ever before though.

Yep the rich have gotten richer and the poorer have gotten poorer.

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Itā€™s hard to put your finger on the exact difficulties, but itā€™s a lot to do with the pressures created from the smartphones gone and social media, kids arenā€™t carefree like they used to be, mental health issues are absolutely through the roof.
Overparenting is partly to blame also in my opinion, but as I said, Iā€™m so much happier that I was a kid in the 80s than now.


It used to be far worse. My fatherā€™s generation very few finished school and were out working at 14 ā€¦ But yeah, there was never poor people until now :joy:


I think the idea of children being carefree in the era before the INTERNET is massively overplayed. Children have never been carefree in the way we imagine with rose tinted glasses. But in order to have a life, you had to live life. You had to do things. You played on the street. You got out and you got in the weeds and got cut. You stayed out until midnight kicking ball. That seemed way more attractive than staying in. You didnā€™t really have the option of withdrawing from life. That option is there now for children and its one many of them seem to be taking. Staying in seems more attractive. But staying in is shit. Being goggle eyed is shit and promotes unhappiness. We are all goggle eyed now and most of us donā€™t like it. But weā€™re addicted, and we wish we werenā€™t.



Aye, there was no one poorly off when we were young.

Christ thereā€™s some dopes on here

That reminds me I had a conversation with an older fella about music after DJ shadow the other night and I meant to ask you, what about music of the last two decades? How do they compare to decades before? Not favourably in my view.

On life in general across society, I think the internet and smart phones are a huge challenge for children. Granted most of them donā€™t have the Catholic church to contend with any more and thatā€™s good. Access to housing for younger generations is out of this world different. Wealth is more concentrated in the top percentage than itā€™s ever been. Fine Gael have been in government for 13 years. Ray Darcy is paid a quarter million a year. I could go on.

Is it possible every generation of young people face difficulties? Older people seem unable to relate to these difficulties.


Thatā€™s fair enough.

When I was a young lad we didnā€™t have a pot to piss in, not many did around where I came from, but as kids we were carefree I would say.
I deal with young teenagers now on a daily basis, I have some experience, Iā€™m not just talking in platitudes, a much higher percentage of kids nowadays are very very unhappy, it has nothing to do with money or privilege

The unhappiness now is both technologically driven and economically driven. The economic difficulties are also to a large extent technologically driven.

The sheer confusion of modern life and the obsession with the self, with individualism and all that that entails in the era of the INTERNET leads to intense unhappiness.

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I always thought you taught primary.

Please dont take this as an insult but your outlook is quite negative, for reasons you have outlined. You spend far too much time online by your own admission. There is a fine world out here with loads of normal people with loads of normal problems but who are generally happy. Many people have positive outlooks and a sense that things are good and life is generally good.


People need to believe in something, all societies that follow religions outlast those that donā€™t. Thereā€™s no meaning for kids now bar striving for celebrity or notoriety? We are the Guinea pigs for the internet. The smokers of the 50s. Saying that there seems to be posters on here every waking hour. Do they get a dopamine hit for likes. Turn off the phone and pull the golf clubs outta the shed for 5 hours. Youā€™ll be like new men.


Iā€™m giving that a like

I would suggest most of them do not have anymore reason to be unhappy than any previous generation.

Social media is the big difference (in my opinion)
When I deal with the more serious issues in school it is always social media related, my principal is withered from it

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Climate change
War in europe
The pandemic

Camera phones
Social media


Itā€™s almost like every generation faces different difficulties but lads on here just canā€™t comprehend looking outside their narrow little world.

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I would think what I wrote is pretty much observable reality. Look around and we have a thriving worldwide fascist movement and conspiracist movement which would likely not exist were it not for the INTERNET and the isolation it promotes. Public discourse is continually plumbing new depths. Society has become increasingly atomised. Community has largely been replaced by consumerism and its offshoots. Public debate itself is now a largely consumerist product, with the dominant strains of it being about clicks and selling snake oil.

My outlook has always been a positive one towards people or things that deserve any sort of a fair hearing. The INTERNET has some positive aspects, but itā€™s increasingly apparent theyā€™re dwarfed by the negative ones.