Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Weā€™ve never had war in Europe?, or pandemics? :joy::joy::joy: ā€¦ Social media is a privilege you stupid hook nosed cunt


Thereā€™s a few things to that, Iā€™d say the main one is not understanding or appreciating what they find difficult or struggle with.

But aside from that I was listening on the radio the other day to a counsellor or guidance counselor or something like that who deals with young people. And he said something like, he didnā€™t think that social media or pressure from peers or what have you were valid reasons to so greatly impact on the young peopleā€™s mental health. But the fact was that these things did impact on people greatly whether he thought they should or not and he had to meet them where they were at not where he thought they should be. Think that was a good observation that applies here.

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Online bullying and shaming did not exist in our day. Porn was not on tap in our day.

What can Instagram be other than an unhappiness factory?

Expectations is the key word here. Expectations are good in one way, and terrible in another way. Expectations, failed expectations, promote unhappiness.

Reddit Suicide Watch is an instructive read. Young people saying they plan to take their own lives over seemingly nothing. But clearly it is not nothing and so much of it is online driven.

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Yep im surprised so many seem to think on here having money is so key to happiness.

That period after the leaving and a year or two after college is tremendous fun and nobody has any real money.

Far more people than ever before will go to college and get the chance to do fuck all for 4 or 5 years.

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Thereā€™s no one saying young people donā€™t have their own challengesā€¦ But someone on here said theyā€™ve never had it harder. Some objectivity please


Having money and having material goods does not buy happiness. But not having them tends to promote unhappiness. Buy more. You need more. Maybe the next hit will buy happiness. Like drugs.

What a lovely little trap it all is.

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Porn was more exciting on VHS.

glas only had betamax

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There is a lack of purpose and meaning in life since religion fell away in fairness. Maybe people do need something like that to keep them going rather than reverting to drink/drugs etc. Some people donā€™t and maybe those that do are weak etc but you never know the circumstances.

On top of that then you have so many meaningless roles now where youā€™re looking at two screens for 40 hours a week and there is absolutely zero work satisfaction from it. Material things are a cod too once you have enough not to worry about your next few bills.

Being around people and enjoying their company is actually an antidote to a lot of the above. Its where wfh really falls down. Full time its not good for anyone.


Hard times make tough men, tough men make easy times, easy times make soft men. Soft men make hard times.

We are in easy times ran by soft men (and women)


It was only the league finalā€¦wont mean a thing if we dont win sam

A lack of empathy too.

Just look how emigrants are being treated arriving into Ireland by certain groups.

I donā€™t have a huge faith but I do think if we all try and help each other a little bit weā€™ll end up in a better place.

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Community is gone and the much maligned local pub is too. Both of those are underrated by people nowadays just to meet people and have the bit of craic. Its important I think.


We can see the sort of ā€œpurposeā€ and ā€œmeaning in lifeā€ religion promotes all around the world. And most of it utterly disastrous.

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I agree. But if you take my parents generation, everyone went to mass on a Sunday, spoke to each other afterwards. It does build a bit of unity at least not withstanding all of its faults.

I donā€™t go myself at all but there was something positive to that along with I suppose the bit of hope it gives etc

He was on twice that 10-15 years ago. The cunt.

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Religion is like drinking and driving. If you have one pint just to be sociable youā€™ll probably be alright as long as youā€™re fully aware youā€™ve had a pint and are suitably careful about the driving.

If you start drinking more, you might well have a problem and might well inflict a problem on others.

There is an obligation to provide a social outlet especially for old people in the countryside who had it all their lives. There are little or any civics taught in Ireland, to any effect. The much maligned church provided a meeting place, guidance, schools and healthcare when the state was a basket case. Itā€™s negatives ultimately weighed too much, but there was massive benefits that Irish society prospered from that were never replaced. I guess outright civil responsibility and fidelity to the state and society might have sounded a bit off when we were kids thanks to the Ra, but other countries had it. The gaa still provide some of that?


When youā€™ve lads actively seeking out stuff on the dark web the issue isnā€™t with the internet.