Unpopular opinions or views you hold

The gaa does. Its nearly the last outlet left that does keep communities together in fairness to it.


Is bad parenting not a huge problem? Lack of discipline. Are useless parents either helped to be better, or held to account. Parents emailing teachers in weekends giving out that tests are too hard for little Josh and that heā€™s being ostracized because of it. The internet promotes individuality, but sometimes conformity at least to non disruptive behavior is needed


Just to be clear, this is a longstanding view of mine. I formed it in 2010 or so. At tea break at work one day we were discussing Back to the Future and how none of the future tech in the film like hover boards and self drying jackets had come to pass, but in many ways tech was far more advanced than they had ever imagined with mobile phones and the internet and such. I maintained that we would be better off with hover boards than with the internet.

When this time out, bold corner, talk to your kids auld shite was encouraged it killed kids. A healthy dose of fear is what kids needā€¦ We all do. Fear is probably the biggest driver in evolution. You mentioned earlier about a lack of belief in something these daysā€¦ Iā€™d argue itā€™s itā€™s more the fear that goes along with beliefs. Kids today have a huge sense of entitlement and a victim mentality then also stemming from social media. The entitlement comes from home and a modern upbringing where most kids have endless material things and experiences from a young age and not enough rejection and being told no. But more importantly they arenā€™t bate. Now i donā€™t mean sadistically bate but bate lovingly to learn em good and properā€¦ Parents are far too precious about their kids now.
But not in my houseā€¦ I saw the 4 year old hop a toy off the 2 year olds head the other dayā€¦ I reddened her arse and sent her off wailingā€¦ This is real life, thereā€™s consequences to your actions. This isnā€™t the fucking Waltons.

If you love your kids youā€™ll make sure they semi fear you. And if you really love them you need to bate them into shape. I have two nephews (in-law) and theyā€™ve never heard the word no or stop in their lifeā€¦ The sense of entitlement is off the scale. Theyā€™ll have be on medication for mental health when theyā€™re older, itā€™s a givenā€¦ Spoilt as kids, miserable as adults.

Kids are effectively blind people who are walking looking for a boundary. If you donā€™t set the boundaries theyā€™ll keep going.


Humanity has every chance of being hooked up into the cloud over the next 10-15 years. Neuralink stuff is only the start of it.

AI will obviously be significantly greater than human conciousness especially with the pace its growing at.

That is a bit concerning I reckon, will there be a race to the bottom on it etc and although outlandish, its not beyond the realms of possibilty.

Would survival of the fittest and those best at adapting passing on traits to the next generation not be the strongest factor behind evolution?

AI will be used by the worst people in the world for the worst possible purposes.

We are already seeing this.

Techno-utopianism never comes true, the opposite does.

Silicon Valley has given us a cohort of techno oligarchs who have planet sized egos but pea sized contributions to make to humanity.

My nudes in profile.


I agree. They are dangerous cunts.

Imagine how effective the algorithims will be down the line.

Theyā€™re unregulated as well and obviously their goal is to enrich their balance sheets and create more wealth for their instiutional owners.

They are already more powerful than most countries. How can that be pegged back. Very hard to know.

I would respectfully disagree my 2 adult children early 20s and mid 20s respectively have had way more opportunities and access to travel, experience different cultures and people through school work etc than I did and overall are way more clued in than I was at theyā€™re age and both grew up in the era of the explosion of technology smart phones etc when they were younger, we sometimes have a tendency towards looking backwards rather than forwards, different challenges face them no doubt than back in our day like access to home ownership but each generation faces different obstacles that life throws at them.


Would you consider going abroad a bit now maybe?

Didnā€™t you grow up in a team that won the county at every age grade? Check your privilege mate.

Would you say you had a happier childhood than your kids do? Iā€™m only at the start of the teen years as a parent but can already see huge issues ahead and know where your coming from with the over parenting over talking about everything


Yeah but just imagine how fucked your back would be now if youā€™d been falling off a hover board regularly over the last few yearsā€¦

No different really.
Neither I or they had to face war, serious poverty and deprivation.

Iā€™d say our childhood in the 80s was closer to our parents in the the 50s than kids today.


Iā€™d agree. An average of 10 years closer if i had to put a number on itā€¦


Of course itā€™s observable reality. There are also many other observable realities. Like all the people getting out and enjoying life in sports clubs and engaging in hobbies and pastimes every week. And thousands of young people out getting shitfaced/drinking responsibly and looking for the ride each weekend. And the hundreds of thousands of folk volunteering for community projects etc every week. And lads setting up anonymous online forums so people can argue. Like i said, you concentrate on certain things. Youā€™ve decidedbto concentrarw your observations on certain aspects of life. And theyā€™re not the good aspects, as you point out. There are many many good things out there too.


Those things (apart from the INTERNET forum bit) also happened in Germany under the Nazis and Eastern Europe under Communism. They happen in Israel right now.

I mean people are so negative, why donā€™t they focus on the positives of these places?

We had little but were always entertained. Going up to the shop to ask for an empty cardboard box that i could turn into a fort/ castle for my green army pieces was unreal.
Getting a Beano annual at Christmas and reading it for months afterwards.
Skinning an orchard so your Ma would make an auld apple tart as a treat.

Simple things but they were magicā€¦ I remember getting a Walkman around 10/11 and it was pure magic. It had a radio and Iā€™d sneakily listen to Century FM under the covers when i should have been asleepā€¦ There was a love letter segment that i found fascinating but Iā€™ll always remember being under the covers one night and hearing Leonard Cohenā€™s Suzanneā€¦ It was all otherworldly.

Far more innocent times but you had to find out a lot of stuff yourself which is lost now as everything is done for kids and teenagers just use phones


Would taking away your access to the internet be something you could ever envisage happening? Get an auld Nokia phone and sell the laptop. You could still get on it it you really wanted but would be very difficult. Iā€™d love to do it myself but for you it would almost seem to me the same as denying a heroin addict access to heroin. It does you no good at all.