Unpopular opinions or views you hold

True. Let me ask you, exactly what percentage of my time should i spend thinking about Palestine at the moment? Like really?
I thought aboit it a bit today, saw some horrendous stuff on the news and had a conversation with mrs J about it. Im also planning a trip to rome though. And i promised a mate id cycle with him tomorrow. And im excited cos a young lad i know is boxing in an all ireland final tomorrow and the kid has worked so so hard to get there. And im wondering should i take my 2 kids to see it? And I’ve got to meet one of my bros about work to keep my own shit on track.
Should i not do anything cos everything is so fucked in ukraine and syria and Palestine?


I have no idea what you’re arguing here.

The point was made that the INTERNET has been a net negative for societies. If you can limit your INTERNET use to the bare minimum, good for you.

There’s fairly comprehensive evidence that the point is true, and things are getting worse by the year.

Yeah well nothing away from the internet is doing me any good either.

Im arguing that you’re concentrating on all the shite bits. Continually. Your last post was basically, ‘yeah, but what about Israel?’ Ffsake. The good bits in life make the shit bits bearable.


You aren’t addressing the argument.

You sound like one of these Kenny’s Kids/Newstalk Generation weirdos telling us to focus on the positives of Stephen Kenny’s reign as Ireland manager.

Hmmmmm. I’d disagree. Not the way you want.
Anyway. Good night.

It’s the unpopular opinion thread so disagree away.
But I equally disagree with the tone of your post, obviously you’ve raised your kids well and they’re a credit to you but the things you mention didn’t do that.
When I mentioned young people I was referring to school going age, I don’t know anything more than what I’d read here about young adults.
But travel and holidays or experience with different cultures don’t make kids happy, in fact it’s probably a net negative now because everybody is away all the time and they’re scrambling for somebody to play with,

Kids would be way better off without smartphones, I’m certain of that. Mine get them when they start secondary school because there’s no choice at that stage, but they’re a tiny sample of what I’d see and you wouldn’t believe the difficulties they cause.
I wouldn’t want to be growing up now, I don’t think so anyway, far too much pressure to conform etc

Sorry, I’ve way to much to say :grinning:
I’ll leave it

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I can see where both @Juhniallio & @Cheasty are coming from in that to & fro last night. To use a football analogy, I think @Juhniallio was making the case that you can still be a “model pro”…working very hard in training & being committed to delivering your best every time you play despite the wider club regime (society) being a complete basket case. Think Harold Maguire at Manchester United, for example.

There is surely that micro/macro piece. I agree that the world is kinda fucked on a global level. You can try to influence things in your locality or maybe even further afield by the industry you work in, by how you vote, what groups/societies you’re part of, whether you help out as a volunteer in community/sporting clubs etc etc but it’s a drop in the ocean really.

You can only truly look after your own patch & your own family & you’d be driven demented if you didn’t just switch off from the big stuff & enjoy the little moments like spotting Brian Fenton on Killester Avenue or seeing your son breaking the 11:40 barrier at junior parkrun.


This debate is really about life always having good bits and bad bits.

In the 80’s there was fuck all money but.community was huge. The individual felt supported within it.

Now, we have loads of money and community has suffered. Young people now feel ostracised.

The internet has give us access to a wealth of information and new ways of doing things but is a toxic outlet for headbangers and has impacted many positive experiences such as listening to a CD or going to a record store.

There isn’t really any point I feel complaining - life moves on. That’s what it does.

I do agree with @Juhniallio though in terms of there being a helluva lot of positives and that human beings are generally good at heart amongst all the madness.


Life as a kid in the 80’s had its problems although not as bad as when George Brewster was cleaning chimneys, however @backinatracksuit is correct. Being a kid/teenager now is far, far harder than 30/40 years ago.


This is very true.

How is it harder?

How much of that is fear rather than belief in a deity? … Fear of breaking religious and community norms? Fear brings a level of respect.

You can also look at religious societies being extremely authoritarian and doing plenty of damage to society… We had abuse and laundries here. The gays didn’t have it too good anywhere religion flourished… Look how conservative Islam is… Scientific advances were made despite religion.

Belonging to something is a huge part of being a human and it benefits us as a society - we just have to tweak it that there’s the right amount of fear and freedom.

A protestant maybe?

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I agree with that. It goes back to my everything has good and bad in life.

Protestantism is one of the more accessible religions alright.

I got into a lot of the Eastern religions over the last number of years. Taken to the extreme they are poisonous also.

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Stephanie Preissner is a decent radio presenter and has a very pleasant accent.

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In the interests of gender equality there should be a man in the rte studio for the analysis of this Ireland v France womens game.

This is the unpopular opinions thread not the inane populist opinions thread


Oh right, I would have assumed any of your many posts could be considered inane and populist pal, I was just trying to get your condescending pat on the head.
Did u find out the name of Stevie Heighway’s 4th class teacher yet?


The GAA were 100% right to scrap replays (possibly generally unpopular. Grab All Association etc). The only thing they got wrong (not unpopular) was not having 45’s/65’s instead of penalties to sort out the games.

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