Unpopular opinions or views you hold

That will be a massively popular opinion on TFK


Itā€™s good enough with Kilkenny, Galway and Wexford still. Donā€™t think it would make much of a difference


Its a crazy format though in fairness to have the semi-finals and final on this late in the year after the european cup is done.

It would be akin to playing the national hurling league after the All Ireland final.

Was always the way with the pro14 and its various iterations. The french league is having quarter finals this week and the premiership had its semis today

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Has it ever been any different? In fact, Some of the stuff blown now would be laughed at 10/20 years ago. Outside of very dangerous or technical fouls, let them both at it and no more about it.

The players have never been as fast, powerful or skillful. Itā€™s just that one is far stronger than the rest, tho thatā€™s closing also.

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I disagree. If refs were consistent in applying the actual rules, teams would respond accordingly and you would have much better specticles.


Barry Kelly tried that.


What rules in particular? Itā€™s near on impossible to call a lot of close quarter hits. Hand passing and spare arm are certainly ones that I agree with you on.

Those two.

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One thing in hurling which is often overlooked is the difficulty in telling whether the ball has gone over the bar or not. Difficult to tell if youā€™re at an awkward angle in the likes of the Canal End or watching on TV sometimes. A lot of people only knew based on the roar of the crowd.

Get glasses you cunt.

Spare hand has ruined hurling imho. It has also slowed the game down considerably.


Thats a popular opinion also. Not for this thread.


Itā€™s not new tho. Kilkenny were doing it 15 years agoā€¦

He needs specticles.

Never said it was

I think the spare arm and hand passing go hand in hand. The reason throwing became so prevalent and let go by the refs is because their arm was being held so they couldnā€™t handpass properly. All of a sudden then throwing became widespread and acceptable regardless of the arm being held


I would only allow handpass off hurley.

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Itā€™s kind of like society when you put it like that. Strange

Rory McIlroy is a national hero. The man played for Ireland at olympic level, heā€™ll turn down the Saudiā€™s because heā€™s gone through his own discrimination. All the social media cunts call him British, heā€™s never once said anything even remotely close to calling himself British. Heā€™s Northern Irish, and Iā€™d respect and understand that. Man doesnā€™t get enough respect. Heā€™ll probably go down in golf history in golfing ability as Sergio Garcia, but Iā€™ll shout for him.