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How can he be a national hero if heā€™s Northern Irish?

Very interesting sportsman compared to the most in the modern era.

Very charitable too by all accounts and just meant to be an all round sound fella.

Will never understand how somebody canā€™t like him tbh.


Sure the lads in Barcelona call themselves Catalunyan, that doesnā€™t make them any less Spanish. Controversial but thatā€™s just the way it is.

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Thatā€™s some logic there.

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Yeah, Iā€™m wrecked and said it arse ways. I digitally hold my hands up. What Iā€™m saying is he knows what he is, and doesnā€™t pretend otherwise.

On another note, I seen a fair few cars with Limerick flags there today. Iā€™d say there was a fair few cheering on Kerry.

Didnā€™t he dump his ex over phone in a 2 minute phone call?


He was about 18 at the time fffs

No, youā€™re thinking of his childhood sweetheart who he dumped after going off spending a weekend with the tennis playerā€¦


And then the tennis player he dumped by text while she was sending out the wedding invites

First I seen of that. I wouldnā€™t mind it. If he wanted to play for GB, heā€™d have played for GB.

He did want to, but hadnā€™t even the conviction to do that

He wanted to play for northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland and?

Rory is a terrific young man.

I reserve the right to change that view at a future point should he take the Saudisā€™ blood money.

But thatā€™s speculation, as Ian Poulter would say, or actually he probably wouldnā€™t, as Poulter apparently doesnā€™t know what ā€œspeculationā€ means.


So heā€™s a NI treasure and not a national treasure?


Take it up with McIlroy.

Iā€™d say he considers himself Northern Irish. Good luck to him. The GFI has been a great force for good. Creating a sense of identity as a Northern Irish person is a welcome side effect.