Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Shamrock don’t do carvery and never did. There wouldn’t be space for it in there anyway, so it 100% wasn’t there you would’ve had carvery. Probably was Cahir House Hotel


If you don’t have a coast line you can forget about visiting an area as far as I’m concerned.

Madrid, Paris ,London none of them float your boat no


Don’t forget Sharlene Mawdsley.


I wouldn’t be overly keen on Madrid or London

A proper City.

I was there for a few days in January. It’s grand but it’s bland for me.

Brilliant nightlife

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It’s like London. You can see the centuries of colonial plundering in the buildings and museums.

The history of why Madrid is where it is was posted here a while back and is vaguely interesting

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Madrid is a bit of a Canberra for me.

Shower of bandwagon shitebags. I could only get into Thurles at 2:45 because I had a doctor’s appointment in Cork Clinic at 12:30. Felt like thousands upon thousands of them coming towards me.


Was it on TFK that some lad was saying Sharlene lived in South Limerick until she was around 10, then her parents moved to Newport?

Yeah. Not South Limerick though,from Dromkeen originally.

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I like Kenny Cunningham as a pundit. He’s far more interesting than Given or Sadlier and more articulate than McClean.


He strikes me as a strange type of guy.

Seems to always raise a questionable opinion that often is pure garbage.

That said, he is probably better than Given and certainly Sadlier who I cannot stand,

Kenny Cunningham would make a fantastic TFK poster.


Greg Allen’s commentary on Ireland’s 4X400m Gold medal was ok, certainly not iconic


It was bang average

You can’t pay a higher compliment to a pundit.