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Happens the best of us

What if you lose your paper ticket?
I actually agree with you, I have one in my pocket as we speak, but they are awful easy to lose.

Is there a trophy for that ?

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For losing a ticket?

What happens if you get through and dump your paper ticket and then there is an issue on plane and you have to get off and you have no boarding card to re board or reaccess air side

My phone died before between drinks and when I turned up they boared the whole plane and then saw my name and let me on.

A paper ticket was what you needed.

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You need to spend less time on your phone


Iā€™ve gotten dogs abuse for still printing out my tickets but have been on multiple trips where some dope will lose their phone and itā€™s an ordeal to get them logged in to retrieve their ticket.


Not bad advice but I woke in a heap in Paris with no French plug.

I must by myself one of those battery yokes

What kind of idiot dumps their boarding pass as soon as they get on the plane??

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A military aged one.


I like to think it is both lost and dead, and not out there somewhere wondering forlornly where I am.

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If I didnā€™t have a travelling companion with a copy on their phone, Iā€™d print the ticket and hold a copy on my phone.

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Vast majority of people have zero interest in Paralympics


Sure fellas weā€™re feigning interest in the Olympics.


I always print tickets just in case.

Incredible humans, I canā€™t fathom some of their stories, but itā€™s not for me as a spectator sport.


That young Comerford girl that won the medal last night is from Howth. A lovely girl from a lovely family.


Here @Ralphie or anyone else, do you know how that tandem cycling worked today where Katie-George Dunlevy won gold? Is she blind & the ā€œpilotā€ at the front isnā€™t? If the pilots are all of different cycling ability then how can it be fair?