Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Good luck to him indeed. Others here are trying to force irishness on him which is disgusting. Let him be NI/British if thatā€™s what he wants.


That would make it nigh on impossible to get the ball away in the tackle leading to even more rucks


The use of the word rucks to describe hurling is a large part of whatā€™s wrong. Itā€™s a rugby term that has no place in hurling.

Holding an opponent is a foul. Itā€™s rarely called as one.


Sean og o hailpin was a good man for it

What do you call when opponents try to fight for a sliothar on the ground?

Pulling. It should be hurls rather than jerseys.

Maybe they could be refereed properly in that case

Watch the umpires not the ball, ever before a flag is raised. Also the goalie will always stand under the ball. So if he stays centre. Itā€™s def a point or def a mile wide.


The Defence forces should be disbanded and Ireland to have no army. All this talk of NATO and purchasing new equipment is very disturbing. A lot being pushed by blue shirt friendly journal, IT and rte etc.


Pulling went the way of 80 minute matches and 40 inch hurleys. Tis more poking now.

Is Rory the only public figure to become even mildly unpopular with men due to the method he used to break up with his partner?


Not if you were calling free arm tackle a foul. Teams would adapt and play ball quicker, more direct. Skills that are redundant in modern game like ground hurling, overhead pulling may become more common again. The handpass as it is allowed now, results in teams working it through the lines , which results in more spare arm tackles and the ā€˜rucksā€™ that you see today. Im not having a dig at Limerick, in case you think I am btw.


By God Tommy the mouse now preaching about respect for women. How the times have changed

Him and Rod Liddle


Heā€™d have been far more popular with INTERNET MEN if heā€™d done what Johnny Depp did and raped his partner with a vodka bottle, spent years physically and mentally abusing her and then launched a series of vexatious lawsuits against her all while pretending that he was the most oppressed man in the universe.

INTERNET MEN love that sort of thing.

Itā€™s something I love about big games in packed stadiums, like a Mexican wave of cheering, the people with direct lines to the ball and goal know itā€™s over and the cheer spreads out.

Iā€™m indifferent to Rory as Iā€™ve no interest in golf and heā€™s not very interesting, I find it funny when lads go fishing for the easy likes, a bit sheepy


Tattle prattle.

Aye, especially when someone goes for an outlandish score near the sideline and a section of the opposite stand start giving it the big 'un before everyone else.

Marty carefully hedges his bets with the ā€œItā€™s curling, itā€™s curlingā€¦ā€ holding statement until he sees the flag raised. Darragh Maloney likewise with the "he loves itā€¦then the more emphatic ā€œHe LOVES itā€ once the flags are raised.


No. Iā€™d say itā€™s a combination of showing heā€™s gutless over years and years.