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Gorbachev did more than anyone to end the Cold War.

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Regan had to ask him to tear down his wall


Gorbachev was spooked by Reagan, particularly over the Stars Wars initiative, which led him to believe that the Soviets couldn’t win a war and that mutually assured destruction mightn’t even be an option. Reagan was the first US leader in 20 years to take a firm hand to the Soviets and they buckled.


sure he’d roadtested that approach with the air traffic controllers


You think mines were the only issue of the day? She destroyed whole cities / industry and sent scores of thousands upon thousands into poverty, the kinda of shite that sets families back generations… But that’s alright, they weren’t murdered so it doesn’t count. Didn’t she abolish the free bun and milk scheme in schools too? Set kids into poverty then take their meal off them :joy:… She then tried to shift taxes from the rich to the poor she created through poll tax… And that’s just a tip of the iceberg with her if I remember correctly what my grandfather told me.

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Yes she is largely responsible for the destruction of Northern Britain and its industries and the break up of British society. She had a horrible attitude to the poor.
On the unemployment point things were so bad in the uk that every night on the ITV news at 10 they finished with a chart showing how many jobs had been lost that day.

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Not to mention selling off the national assets and services that workers had paid for. Sold to her party benefactors for pittance, partly to prop up her governmentand partly to enrich the privileged. Now the tans are handing over a chunk of their wage just to use ‘public’ transport for their commute.

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A helluva rock to hide under, the old misogyny ruse

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Was Thatcher a woman?

No idea. Im blind to gender

She put Liverpool into managed decline which fucked the city for years. A horrible cunt. My in-laws absolutely despise the woman.

Although she was part of the team who invented Mr Whippy ice cream so you know……


And was a great friend of Saville, pushing for his knighthood despite aides warning her not to.



Yeah her name figured quite heavily in that Netflix documentary about him. The Royals were taking advice from the creep. One look at him running around in a sleeveless top with a fag hanging out of his mouth and you’d be extremely weary.

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Id say even a fair few of the tories would distance themselves from her at this stage- her main fan base seems to consist of johnson’s recently departed cabinet types, english soccer hooligans and @farmerinthecity

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She came to power when inflation was at 25 per cent, Uk was on a 3 day week and IMF had just left.

Like Graeme Souness when he took over Liverpool she tried to do too much too quickly and was too dogmatic.

The communist system collapsed in on itself because it was an absurd system in which everything was a lie.

You can’t hold a failing imperial dictatorship together by being a nice guy. Putin understands this. Gorbachev did not.

Brezhnev’s decision to invade Afghanistan was an accelerationist event in terms of collapse.

He did in his hoop.

The situation in Kinnegad is unsustainable.