Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Now that was a prediction

West Limerick, south Limerick or Limerick city? They are vastly different accents. Its the Midlands accent that gets me. But we’ve already established that accent baiting has no place in modern Ireland.

It’s the South/City Limerick that almost sounds as if they are singing to you.

The East Limerick accent is fine tbf.

Wouldn’t be the first time that officer who wrote the statement got in trouble for putting something to print. Got in a bit of bother about a decade ago with his home club over some preview piece he did in a programme. Tact and self awareness not a strong suit.

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Drogheda is out on its own.

Duignan may be a good gaa man, and has done the world of good, but he’s a cnut of a commentator

Limerick accent is very flat (except in the extreme west and parts of East Limk along Tipp border). Wexford accent tends to be high pitched and not at all flat.

You must detest the Cork accent so?

Doesn’t everyone?

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Limerick is worse

I prefer RTÉ’s GAA coverage to Sky


I like the Wexford accent. I’m ok with the Limerick accent, but there are variations on it. Deep West Limerick is closer to a Kerry accent in places. A very different accent to Limerick city. My wife’s Limerick city accent only comes out when she’s angry. I know I’m in trouble when I hear it.


Was there yesterday. Should have brought a translator.

Roy Curtis could possibly be right about all his feelings and more importantly how he expresses them. Life is short.


He’s right 15% of the time.

Hold up there now, that Monaghan and Cyavan accent are diabolical.

All the Irish accents are great, it’s incredible that we have such variety in a tiny island :man_shrugging:


I agree, but some are harsh on the ear.

Everyone of these Impersonators that seem to be popping up all over the place nowadays are unfunny cunts.