Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Conor Moore an exception

Hi Conor.

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Heā€™s as bad as Rosenstock

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The worst one out there, by a distance, is Oliver Callan.

Bad enough that he barely sounds like the people heā€™s impersonating, the sketches he writes are shite also.


I knew a chap who wrote sketches for him. He wasnā€™t very funny.

Rosenstockā€™s early stuff on Gift Grub had moments of absolute brilliance like Joseā€™s Any Team Will Do, Roy Keane I Better Leave Right Now/If I Wasnā€™t Roy and most of the Bertie stuff. After 2009 it dipped a lot. His TV stuff was never much good.

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Up for the Match just wonā€™t be the same without Des Cahill (circa 2035).
Des has that oulā€™ natural easy charm that puts guests at their ease from the off enabling them ramble on unhindered with whatever is on their mind.

A bit like a beloved rooral Uncle whoā€™s company youā€™d seek out at a wedding.

Now for yisā€™ā€¦ā€¦

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Iā€™m done with the forum after thisā€¦

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Gone are the days when it was acceptable or possible to satirise politicians or rte presenters. Theres no way any comedian will be given airtime to take the hand out of joanne or leo.
The last opportunity was for a comedian to dress like luke oā€™neill and prance around in a plastic bubble. But luke got there first and took the piss out of the people instead.
Besides nothing funny happens any more- weā€™ve become like the germans.

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But youā€™re not, you can never leave. That would be counterproductive.
Iā€™m merely raising a hare here btw.

So many impersonators can do impressions but canā€™t do comedy.

The Apres Match lads could do both.

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The DVD they released in late 2002 was brilliant.



After that painful appearance last night on UFTM by Conor Moore, I withdraw this comment and unreservedly apologise to the forum in its entirety.

Kevin McStay is a fine co-commentator.

I watched the game on RTE and thoroughly enjoyed it but went to Sky for half time and thought that was superb. Best of both worlds.

Was there a spat with Cavanagh and Spillane?

Gaelic football is awful to watch. I turned the final off after two minutes today.

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That reel has every bait imaginable in it

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I find myself nodding in agreement with this opinion. :+1:

Barry Egan (Independent Group ā€œjournalistā€) is a fine writer on the subject of popular music. Had a fine piece on Lou Reed in Saturdayā€™s Indo. I found myself nodding in agreement despite despising the cunt. This was not the first music piece he had written that led me into this quandary.