Unpopular opinions or views you hold

He obviously has better judgement when it comes to music than other branches of the arts. Am still waiting to see Rex live up to the billing Barry gave him, let alone the oscars!

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Or John “the Baptist” Delaney.

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I enjoy Gabby Agbonlahor on Talksport.


Under Micheál Martin’s leadership Fianna Fáil have become the least corrupt and most ethical and publicly accountable of the three biggest political parties in the state, and the gap to the other two parties in this regard is not close.

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What metrics and materials did you use to arrive at this conclusion?

Ah ffssake. Enjoy your day out scally and don’t be engaging in imaginary FF rating metrics… i hope Liverpool win tonight just for you.

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The civil war

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Norma Foley has been an exceptionally competent Minister for Education at a very difficult time for the sector.

God it looked to me like she’s been an absolute godhelpus. What has she done well? She’s gone forward and backwards on so many things it’s a joke.


Ah for fucks sake mate. You’re up there with the lads who think Maguire is a decent defender. The department has been batshit. Refusing to answer questions from schools on covid for years. Sending out the exact same stock responses to teachers. Refusing to give guidance to students/teachers on exactly what form state exams would take until well into the year(not jist practicals/orals). Disappearing entirely from public view.


That’s why I posted it in the unpopular opinions thread, bucko.


I think she’s a daycent skin working as hard as she can during very difficult times, as with most things the budget is a huge handcuff, to my knowledge she’s never shirked a good grilling on radio or tv and always comes across well.

It’s opinions such as his that the thread was set up for……

That is my take on it. When she goes on the radio she is well briefed and reassuring. In the current climate that is streets ahead of what most line ministers can manage.

Disagree. By appeasing everyone she’s kicked the can down the road. Some year group are going to be completely screwed over eventually because of her grade inflation.


She’s up there with the worst ministers ever. Could you imagine her attempting to teach a class…


Apparently she was a brilliant teacher, that was widely reported when she was appointed, got sone incredible testimonials from past pupils including one minor celebrity whose name I can’t recall.

Anyway I’m on Team Norma :+1:

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She’s a complete amadán. Taoiseach’s took over the department of education during the pandemic.


I initially assumed she was a primary school teacher but someone informed me that she was a Geography teacher. What else did she teach do you know?

Interesting. I was reliably enough told the complete opposite but I guess there’s two sides to every story you’re told.