Unpopular opinions or views you hold

She taught English

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Education is the worst brief to have other than Health. Imagine trying to keep every cunt of a Karen parent in Ireland happy.

No win no matter what you do.


I think the media took a dislike to Minister Foley but took a liking to Minister McEntee

Do you think being incompetent v competent respectively would have anything to do with it?

It could you know

Go away will ya. She is the hide and seek champion of the current cabinet. Utterly useless. Iā€™m really surprised with you here as you are a teacher.


I like her to be honest, tough job but I think sheā€™s genuine, I havenā€™t noticed what youā€™ve said but I donā€™t follow it religiously. Iā€™ve heard her being interviewed loads of times and Iā€™m usually impressed.
When did she hide?

I donā€™t think me being a teacher should matter though?

Jesus Christ surely you cant have forgotten the pandemic nonsense she played such a central part in. At some stages other government members had to speak for her she was so out of her depth.


Iā€™ve a bad memory sometimes,
Will you remind me of what youā€™re referring to?

Youā€™re on the wind up, well played sir :clap:

Iā€™m not

I just thought you being a teacher would have you more tuned in to the goings of an Education minister more so than the Minister of Agriculture.

She hid during the pandemic for months. Other colleagues went out to bat regarding details of the state exams and predicted grades. Her handling of that situation was pathethic. She is great for a press release on soft days like LC results or when the exams start in June.

I believe she was promoted above her ability due to her long standing friendship with Micheal Martin.

I just find her useless. There were Education ministers in the past who I could not stand but did respect as they had the courage to try change things. Ruari Quinn being one.


She doesnā€™t appear to be making any attempts for equal pay either.


Jesus, thatā€™s shocking.
She hid for months? Other ministers were sent out to bat on issues within her brief?
If I believed all that as presented there Iā€™d probably change my tune alright

Economics but she hadnā€™t a degree in it. Sheā€™s a daughter of Ansbacher Foley who had a fair grasp of fiscal matters and taxation issues*

  • For issues see avoidance.

Poor Norma getting the heat for Ashutosh making a hames of the predicted grades algorithm.

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Itā€™s pretty much bang on. I donā€™t understand how you think sheā€™s good in interviews either, sheā€™s really really poor. The slightest follow up question flusters her completely.


Sheā€™s completely out of her depth herself and Egghead will be dropped from the cabinet in December


At least she always acknowledged it before going around in more roundabouts.

Iā€™d bet big money that she wonā€™t be denoted