Unpopular opinions or views you hold

There was nothing about CSPE in the Acceptance Criteria.

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Weā€™ll see, one of us will be right

Wind turbines are an awful cod


Hard to believe she was once tipped to be ffs next leader


Enjoy Sunny Beach chief

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Unpopular opinion: the term ā€œKarenā€ doesnā€™t work on any level. I donā€™t know why people use it.

It isnā€™t funny, doesnā€™t work as a barb, is an Americanism and an online Americanism at that, has no relevance in Ireland (not that it even has much in America) and only makes the person who uses it look worse than the target of it.

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Education would be dead handy to sort out. The handy way out is to take the well trodden, unimaginative path automatically trudged by Normaā€¦give everyone good grades, let the private sector take up the responsibility of sorting the wheat from the chaff (where academic achievement is concerned), offer absolutely nothing of real value to any young person and cover her arse by muttering dull predictable platitudes about how great young people are etc

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as a teacher put it to meā€¦

If I need surgery down the road, Iā€™ll ask the surgeon what year did they did the leaving cert, anything post 2019 they can fuck off and find me an older one


Breda and Nuala are the Irish Karens surely?

Si Harris will sort out education :heart:

Phil Lynott was and is totally overrated


Thereā€™s about seven or eight lads here who Iā€™d say would fall rightly into whatever persona the ā€œKarenā€ term tries and fails to put across.

Perpetually negative, tiresome, reactionary, entitled, always certain yet always gullible, hypocritical, permanently outraged - at what they donā€™t know, pompous.

I think the term gobshite covers it all.

ā€˜Ironicā€™ works well here also.


get out of my head.

Some of his lyrics were abysmal

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I donā€™t think so. Thereā€™s an increasing amount of posters here who are like the Daily Telegraph on the opening day of the 2006 World Cup.

ā€œThereā€™s no irony there, Bill.ā€

She may not be. If not, itā€™ll be to do with gender and nothing else, sadly. Sheā€™s as poor as weā€™ve seen. All evidence supports this notion. In fairness to her, sheā€™s a brand new td. To be promoted to a full minister as a newby is very fucking rare. Number crunching between 3 parties, all their big guns needed in, and they needed more women. FG obviously shafted a few oldies. Iā€™d say nobody expected it less than Norma herself. It speaks deeply of the lack of talent within ff and politics in general. But she still got a job to do and she has neglected it. Not just not been good at it, but ran the fuck away. She stonewalled schools during the pandemic. If that was just about covid protocol then fair enough thats a tough situation, but even on the basics of what the structures of exams would be? Kids left before state exams unsure what the marking schemes /formats would be in some cases. Fuck me thats mental.


Why do you need 625 points to be a surgeon and an A in honours maths? Why do you need to be a bookworm who has whiled away two of the best years of their lives cramming and learning by rote?


The public cried out for grade inflation,

Revert to the old marking system and itā€™s CAO points for the year you completed your LC for a period of 5 years,
Why would that not work, just asking now as Iā€™m sure itā€™s been considered.

Iā€™ve a feeling Norma will follow me around TFK for a long time :grinning:

100 pc agree with this. I was actually thinking that when I heard them talking on the radio that this would probably lead to better suited candidates in certain professions. ā€˜theyre dumbing it downā€™. Itā€™s a load of fucking bollox anyway measuring a very narrow type of ability.


In fairness youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen and certainly the first teacher saying Norma has done a good job. Sure remember that thing of her telling the special needs kids the schools were reopening before it had been agreed with unions?? She then didnā€™t even have the backbone to follow through and blamed it all on the teachers. It was either utter incompetence or sneaky politicking but either way it drove a wedge between school staff and parents of the most vulnerable of all children which a lot will find it very hard to get over. Surely causing division like that in your sector is the epitome of a useless cunt.