Unpopular opinions or views you hold

But that will surely end the Labour party as we knew it. Is there a safe Labour seat at the next election - unlikely.

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The Irish language should not be given tax payer funding. If people want to speak it, fine, but I shouldn’t have to pay for it. As an every day practical language, it is utterly pointless.

Fixed that for you below

The Irish government should not be given tax payer funding to give themselves raises willy nilly. If people want a government, fine, but I shouldn’t have to pay for it. As an every day government, it is utterly pointless.

id defund the greyhound board 1st mate


And horse racing.


We’re at nothing if we don’t support our language, heritage and culture. If we can’t fund our own language we might as well go back in with the UK and drop the O for the soup again.

Have you no love for your country at all?


Hes from Nottingham mate.

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This thread was made for your statement below. Fair play pal, as has been said, stop funding to greyhounds and horses, not the Irish language.

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Might not be a bad idea. At least the country would be run properly instead of electing FF/FG gangsters to give their property buddies free reign.

English innit

have you seen how Britain is doing lately mate?


Have you seen how Eire is doing lately mate, or has been doing for most of the last 100 years?!

Lads I think this fella might be the most west Brit of them all

What’s the alternative? Sinn Féin? Propped up by the Left? I suppose it’s the way it’s going but Christ we are all in for it then.

They took all our corn and oak during the famine, they’d probably take all our wind and water now…

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But you’re happy enough. Besides the Irish Language. Good to know.

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Lads getting wound up in this thread

Life Fail GIF by MOODMAN

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