Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I had a near row with the missus over Pastrami that she binned. Was only 1 day over best before date. A couple of sodden nappies dispelled any hopes of retrieving. So much for waste not want not and all of that.


Ireland has a couple of major things going for it over Britain and indeed some other major European countries.

Our historical underdevelopment. Our lack of a previous “golden era” to look back on with rose tinted glasses. We have to look forward rather than backward because we have no other choice. Looking backward generates negativity. Looking forward generates positivity. This means we are one of the few countries left where the majority of the population have some sort of positive vision of the future and what it could be.

Our historical underdevelopment means our population couldn’t help but grow when we got a bit of prosperity, any bit at all. The populations of many European countries are shrinking and the populations of most will shrink further.

Our smallness. You’re tend to be more self aware when you’re a small country, and aware of the self unawareness of bigger countries.

The English language. We speak it much better than the English.

So is most of Northern Ireland. The built environment there is much more similar to the mainland than it is to the SaorstĂĄt.

I think your average town in the Republic is a much more pleasant place than your average town up North.

I’m tickled by your statement “Britain is a good place to go out in”. Usually people are much more specific when they say “such and such is a good place to go out in”, ie. “the Harcourt Street/Camden Street area is a good place to out in” or “Galway is a good place to go out in”. I’ve never heard it generalised to a country of 65 million before though.

Have you visited Dublin lately?

Calling Dublin “a shithole” is a bit like those broad brush demonisations of “the media” you so often hear.

Media by its nature tends to be diverse, some of it is shit and some isn’t. Some media produces stuff which is shite and also produces stuff that isn’t shite.

Dublin is a big city and very diverse. Rural people seem to struggle with this concept.

Is this the biggest shoe-horning in of information ever in the history of TFK??

But you are correct about Galvin, spoke Russian. I’m pretty sure that one Russian was passing to another and the second guy got a call and left it only for Galvin to run onto it. One for “Do I remember this right”

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Dublin is a shithole. Apart from a couple of nice areas in South Dublin and the odd affluent northside area it is fucking bleak. The city centre is a disgrace.

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Well I’ve been out in many areas of London as well as Liverpool and Newcastle so easier to generalise. I’m always struck by how old looking and ragged so many shops and pubs, etc are in England

Dublin is life, buddy. There was a conversation about this some weeks back and the forum came to a general agreement that Dublin is great.

I would suggest the forum refrain from taking hallucinogenic drugs.

The Brits have no respect for the value of trees.

This is Utrecht in Holland. The Brits don’t get this sort of stuff at all.


@Gary_Birtles_Lovechi in case you missed it in the aul banter lad. Tell us or do you know?

No, you’ve got it spot on.

Long time to be standing there poor girl.


The good posters agreed. The lads on hallucinogenic drugs are still on the Covid threads shrieking about lockdowns and vaccines and getting outraged at tweets by some harmless Biddy.

She’s aged very well.


Not unlike the UK

Roaster dislikes Irish, fancies South Dublin, knows his betters.

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Weird how people think “Britain” is a good place to go out in. It’s pretty bleak and shit. Maybe these are the same people that like Garth brooks or ed Sheeran, lowest common denominator types.