Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Edinburgh is a great place to go out.

Corby isnā€™t.

Neither is Kettering.

Or Milton Keynes.

Both are funded by the British taxpayer.

Unfortunately the majority of those who live in south county Dublin are arseholes.

Not unlike the UK

Northants coming in for unfair abuse here.

Nasty comment.

Yet true

Northampton is a town I hold close to my heart as my granny worked as a midwife there during the war. So itā€™s more intra-Northants rivalry.

Racist comment. Reported :grinning:

How so?

I dont think anyone could argue that Dublin north inner city centre is anything but a shithole. A dangerous run down kip over run by the the dregs of society.

I dont know how the businesses put up with it.

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Parnell Street is a great street now for restaurants and bars.

Probably the one street that has improved over the years in fairness.

It couldnā€™t deteriorate further I suppose

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Thanks @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi. Pot, kettle, stones and glass houses etc.

How does the British taxpayer funding Gadhlig/Welsh language broadcasters take away from what I correctly said about the Irish language? Just because they do it, doesnā€™t mean we should.

Who said you were correct?

Do you consider it money well spent funding a language that 99% of the population donā€™t speak on a daily basis?

Capel st, Stoneybatter?

Thereā€™s a lot of things that would be on my own list of things that should/could be cut, a couple of them suggested here like the hounds and the gee gees. You could like those and see value in them. I donā€™t.
Personally I love the Irish language, I think it is important to at least maintain it. I am not a fluent speaker but I can grasp most of it. I get the gist of the Nuacht on the radio and I love the GAA games on TG4 and the weather :slight_smile: