Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Everyone admits heā€™s an awful poet, thatā€™s a given alright. He speaks a good speach IMHO. If anyone has backed Irish football in Leinster House heā€™d definitely have been one of them, being president of Galway Utd of course as well.

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In fairness to him, when he was renting out the house in Galway, I remember someone in the pub saying to me that he was charging only something like 80 or 90 quid per room which was very little even 4 or 5 years ago there.

Read he always brought plenty deserving people to the Aras as well. Not a bad guy, just not my guy.

I wonder did Labour quite realise how popular he was. I know twasnā€™t the best presidential field he beat but people seem to have liked him more, the more they have seen of him.

Didnā€™t realise that either. That was a great addition to Irish life. A television channel that punches well above its weight. Heā€™s a nice man Iā€™m sure, just wouldnā€™t have him No.1 on list of people to have a pint with.


He might have changed later on


Saw Doctors even wrote a song about the man years before he even thought about presidency. They knew alright.

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In his first presidential campaign the media gave him a free pass while eviscerating every other candidate. He hardly opened his mouth during the debates. He won by default.


Thatā€™s because there was no dirt to be found on him.

Itā€™s like people saying that Joe Biden got an easy run versus that pig Trump.

Absolutely no need to cancel the soccer because the queen died


As if any of them give a damn about her anyway. PC nonsense.



They didnā€™t look hard

Blame @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy :man_shrugging:

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Thats bullshit. Its "protocol " over there for whatever its worth. Not condoning what the rovers fans did but premier league games were always going to be cancelled after she died

I doubt anyone really believed it was because of rovers fans


You might be right,
Perhaps it wasnā€™t all down to the Shamrock rovers fans :man_shrugging:

Sorry @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy :+1:

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Me 1 -footix 0

Happy enough to take the win here

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The club came out strongly against the fans. Quisling behaviour

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You couldnā€™t go wrong betting on the simple nature of folk