Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Fair fucks to boris for having the balls to blatantly disregard a set of ludicrous and irrational rules that the British public demanded he impose upon them.
And now they’re yapping away because he was getting tanked while they hid behind the sofa. It’s actually glorious to watch

Cork are back


Sports teams are using disabled people as a pr stunt.

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Luke Kelly wasn’t that good a singer.

But his voice was superb

Johnny Murphy did a reasonable job yesterday

Professional sportswomen should not get pay parity with sportsmen unless they draw similar crowds and TV rights money


Common sense really.

Is there a basic wage in the FA?

I’m not sure how unpopular an opinion that is. Especially considering it’s the widespread practice at the moment.

I think there are subtleties though. I think for national team representation etc when the “pay” isn’t related to a commercial model really then the same fee should be paid. But that’s a far cry from paying a salary to a sportswoman based on the same scale as men.


Kilkenny is a Protestant stronghold.


Wayne Barnes is the best rubby referee currently plying his trade


I agree with this, but surely it is the men’s national team and associated TV rights that keep the lights on.
@habanerocat , afaik there is no minimum wage in the FA, but I’ve no certainty on this.

It is. But that money isn’t used to pay senior male players. It’s used to pay them a small fixed fee and then used to fund the game at all levels. It’s not an enormous outlay to pay the same to the senior women’s team - for whom it might actually make an appreciable difference.

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I’m beginning to think sport is now better on tv. It saddens me but I think you miss so much being at it.

You completely miss the whole point of it so.


There was a time when I’d miss a Limerick or Munster game but had no interest in either. Maybe it’s just there’s so much sport on and if I go to one I’ll miss something but that’s the way I am now.

This year in Cheltenham I felt like I Nearly missed it.

I have no interest supporting wise in the intercounty game these days but i must actually go to see the likes of Waterford and Limerick play to fully see what they’re at one of these days. Particularly Dessie Hutchinson’s movement

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Would you not go next week to see Finn v Hutchinson?

Maybe it’s getting so used to watching sport during covid on tv and not going to games or something I’m not sure tbh but I have zero real interest for now.