Unpopular opinions or views you hold

His dialogue is incredible.

The scene from Inglorious Basterds where Brad Pitt says he can speak Italian, and is taken into conversation by Christopher Waltz.


My God, it’s the only film I can vividly recall seeing in the cinema for the first time, it actually blew my mind, watched it in the capitol in Cork and adjourned to the Brog afterwards, we could speak if nothing except the movie for at least an hour afterwards, never before or since have o been so impressed by a film,
But, different strokes and all that :man_shrugging:


From dusk til dawn is an absolute masterpiece

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Reservoir Dogs is a great movie. The scene at the start was the catalyst for a lot of content after it - articulate bad guys talking nonsense.

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One of the greats. That and True Romance are the two best movies Tarantino wrote but didn’t direct.


True Romance scene with Denis Hopper and Walken is about as good as movie making gets


“Tell me, am I lying?”


Even the switcheroo with the blast in the nose… thats as good as it gets and it isnt going to go back to being that good

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Crimson Tide is a gem of a movie, Tarantino’s fingerprints all over it. A Tony Scott masterclass.

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I remember getting a shock in the scene when gamdolfini is flirting with Patricia arquette and hes only lining her up for a blindside punch…

Looks like we have found the inspiration for the opening scene of Intermission.

Yea unpopular. Great post

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Deirdre o kane is not one bit funny…there i said it

Who needs her to be funny…She has a lovely gamey eye. And yes - why wouldn’t I…


I agree but i think she might have a gammy eye too?

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I’d ride the back off Deirdre O’Kane


spinal sex

She looks and talks like someone who’s had a mild stroke. Not of the @Breaking_my_balls variety either.


Would you take the digs off her like the red lad in Intermission?