Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Incredible to put him alongside Murray given what he’s achieved and come through.

Rory is very fake and manufactured. There’s something not right about him you’d feel, whether by choice or by dint of his PR companies.

Either way, he’s very good at “the golf” and I am now on the Rory bandwagon.

I’d say in terms of global sports stars mcilroy is by far the least fake and least manufactured. There’s very few people who speak openly and honestly in any walk of life like him.


The only reason mcilroy is unpopular on here is because he’s seriously successful.

He’s generally absolutely adored everywhere he goes.

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That throws a spanner in the works.

Did i say anything incorrect there?

What Rory did to those two girls was despicable.

You have such a pristine history of respectful relationships with women, you’re on very safe ground calling out McIlroy.


The buggys are circling.

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Besides breaking the hoover, i have, an angel so i am. And i wasn’t calling him out, i was asking Flatters is that what he values as being daycent.

I have to respectfully disagree with @Thomas_Brady here. Ending long-term relationships face to face is a mugs game. You’re far better having an ocean or two between yourself and the brokenhearted

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How many of the wives did you break up with over the phone?

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Its handy that all the Mark Renton/ChocolateMice etc posts have been scrubbed when you want to come over all Fr Morality all of a sudden. Bringing up his “childhood sweetheart” ffs sake, and it not the first time.

A few biff…none of them were mine though


The TFK misogynists are out in force today

Well i believe the topic of conversation is Rory Mc, not me. Feel free to kick off the convo there on Tom Mouse being a very decent fella and I’m sure a few boyos will disagree… It’s cute how you’re getting all uppity about Rors tho. You’ll be changing your handle to his name next…

You brought up (again) his breakups at 16/21 etc or whatever as being reflective of his values. Such scutter.

Feels more British than Irish? He’s Northern Irish, has pretty much always said so, he played for Ireland because that’s how golf is set up on this island, rather than some “PR” choice. More scutter.

Your problem is that he doesn’t fit into your Barstool Ra/EPL gom view of the world. Every bit as bigoted as themmuns up there. Which is surprising given you’re claiming to be some variety of Uruguayan/Argentine/Lakota/American every other day of the week.


@Raylan takes the Internet very seriously


If I ever take it seriously enough to seek out the Krackpot Korner you get your takes from I’ll cancel the broadband


You stick to rte. It’s suitably curated to ensure your idiocy


You ok hun?