Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Absolutely. @Batigol has this horrendously wrong. Eating fat and oil as a favourite food. Youd wonder where the education system went wrong.

Itā€™s an unpopular opinion thread


I can abide by a simple egg and flour pancakeā€¦ I usually have them with ham and cheese or something savoury. But the American style are full of shite, tonnes of syrup and that awful excuse for bacon.

Youre not wrong about a fry tho. It turns my stomach to even think about one.

Fair play mate. Its only a sage like you who can give out about both sides of the argument.


I didnā€™t say they were good for ya. But I love them. And I always have tons of energy after them.

A cut of toast and a cup of coffee does me most mornings.


I like coffee in the morning and coffee doesnā€™t go with a fry.

No Iā€™d have tea with a fry


Yeah. Yea with the fry. Coffee with all other breakfast options

Iā€™ve perfected the internet. You know it.

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Blueberries, rashers and maple syrup would have ya taking on the world. Funny the lads giving out about the health of them when a fry is like adding petrol to a fire.

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Would many people still partake in the fry in 2022?

Only a couple of times a year for myself anyway. Couldnā€™t be at that lark.

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Do you not have the Flahavanā€™s and local honey?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy what is the most sustainable breakfast option? Is American pancakes better than an irish fry? Does cooking a fry in an airfryer make it more sustainable?

stay away from Dairy

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Dont use milk in my tae, an unpopular opinion i guess.

Butter on my toast is the only dairy i have at breakfast

Porridge with honey. Toast and tea. Love that breakfast.

Oh i wouldnā€™t eat pancakes, too bad for you.
I stick to salty rashers, 60% pork sauages and eggs swimming in oil.

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2 cuts of toast, smothered in kerry gold and a nice latte while reading the mornings emails and planning the meetings i want to avoid