Unpopular opinions or views you hold

dairy isnt sustainable mate

You’re not sustainable


Overnight oats in oat milk with banana, blueberries, flax and chia seeds and a spoon of real peanut butter. Scoop of non dairy protein in a shaker and a caffeine tablet.

That’s why he pivots every few years

The original version of Fairytale of New York should not be played uncensored on TV or radio.

I dont like Christmas cake or pudding. I think its vile crap and stinks. Same for mince pies.


That song is a strange sacred cow, inspires crazy reactions from people

Is that an unpopular opinion of my own?

It may be because it’s as fine of a song as was ever written.

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I’d agree, but I’d say crafted. Some songs are written, McGowans are crafted.

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Did the word faggot have different UK/Ireland meaning to the US meaning that now prevails? @Fagan_ODowd might know better being of a more mature vintage.

Fairytale was written in mid 80s. There was a huge gay movement in the UK around that time. It was written as a term of abuse.

Sick to death of cunts coming home from Australia and prank their parents into thinking they are still there. Actually it’s the cunt who records the moment they walk in and gives it to Joe.ie.


Let them be my friend. Its a beautiful thing.

The bastards don’t deserve friends, my friend


I’m absolutely sick of that song. A decade ago I loved it. Now I hate it. Gets skipped on every Pogues album or playlist I play

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How about the slut on junk line? Is that bit ok?


One of the parents will get a massive heart attacks in one of those “videos” and that will put an end to them

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Not ideal but yes it is.

You can’t listen to it any other time but at Christmas.

I was similar in ways, while never hating it, I was getting sick of if but then it struck me how it was still an incredible song behind it all.

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Christmas is nothing without Fairytale of New York