Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I don’t believe that the PCR or antigen tests were ever able to tell if someone has,had or never had Covid.

Unpopular but a firm view.


Sure a bitta kerry gold will give you a negative antigen. Job is oxo

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You don’t believe Covid is detectable?

Banshee was great. Farrell is brilliant in it.


The greatest actor of his generation

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Never said that of course i think it can be

People who dont like banshees of inisherin are dullards


Climate change is a cod.

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Very closed minded individuals.

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People who rave about banshees of inisheerin are the oirish equivalent of the erg


My parents went to the cinema for first time since 90s to see it. Mother enjoyed it but the auld lad thought it was stupid. After trying to watch some bit of tv with him last night, I remarked to the sister “of course he fucking hated the film when he wasn’t able to talk his way through the entire thing in the cinema”


Billy Connolly wasn’t funny

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I remember watching the usual suspects in my mates gaff back in the day with his folks and siblings. As the film ended we all sat up and moved out and said ‘great film’ ‘unreal’ ‘savage’ till his da said in his strongest belfast accent ‘who the fuck was keyser sozé?’



Ah he was

He was very funny at the start but he became more and more of an arse as he got older and the nadir was that routine about the hostage Ken Bigley who was subsequently beheaded. Connolly should have been cancelled for that.

When he cut the hair.
That was the end of him…

He bottomed out advertising credit cards.

I listened to a show about him last night. He was talking about farting. It was repulsive.

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