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Top Gun Maverick was ace. Highlight was when Mavericks bar maid wan leaned against her closed front door swooning about him and my young lad shouted out ‘Is she tired from the motorbike ride Dad?’


What’s this now?

Some owl shite by the looks of it.

Barbie Movie I would assume

Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken and Barbie.

aqua barbie girl GIF

She’s looking well.

So is he.

He must have a tax bill to pay.

Greta’s directing, I suspect either they all have bills to pay, or this is going to be very out there.

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That tag line, delicious

Saoirse in a non-worthy role for once

A preview of this year’s cùl camp gear.


Trailer won’t play at the moment.
Not sure if I can take it seriously or not.


He must have gotten a bit of margarine on the sole of one of his dancing moccasins.

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