US politics - The Don v Ally McBeal.Single,Successful falling Apart

Here @Tierneevin1979 , what’s the store with Paul Ryan these days? Always struck me as a potential future president.

Why didn’t he call the FBI?


Less than conclusive is a hell of a euphemism

The New York Times is about as reliable as Waterford Whispers these days.


A post was merged into an existing topic: The Alt Right and their “free speech” campaign and “racism” against white people

Jesus the whole Russian collusion thing has been a nightmare for the Dems.

This is real leadership, Meehole take note.

@Tierneevin1979 are unions still strong in the private sector over there? I’m listening to Biden here talking about creating "high paying union jobs "

Depends on the industry, lots of decent union jobs in skilled labor industries. Unions would be largely unheard of in technology.

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Trump launching another panzer attack on Ch-ina tonight

Meehole was taking notes.

Cuomo’ and Biden after getting a blast there now

That Fox news weirdo Tucker Carlson, who appeals to a certain type of poster on here, being forced to take gardening leave becasue his chief staffwriter exposed as a racist scumbag


Tucker has the highest ratings by far of the evening commentators, doubt he is going anywhere. Holding him accountable for the racist hatred a scriptwriter wrote anonymously is like holding you responsible for what Sid wrote here about Mrs Keady.

There there bro. Look I changed my pic to help to help you with your anger issues during this tough time

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Fuck sake

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