US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

This should be a tap in for Democrats, but the potential is there to fuck it up. A good example is the defund the police movement that many Democratic run cities are embracing, New York for example which has massively cut police funding. The issue is who does this actually hurt, and the answer is the poor and minorities. In polling 80% of black people do not agree with defunding the police, and actually would prefer to see greater policing not less. Hard to blame them when you see the level of violent crime increasing. Every police union in the country will now support Republicans, these are groups that would historically have voted Democrat.

Looks an outlier, Biden up 12% on RV and 10% on LV in an ABC/WaPo poll released this morning heā€™s up 7 in a Fox poll released last Thursday, 9 in an NBC/WSJ poll released yesterday and 11 in a PBS/Marist poll released on Friday.

A lot of the polls indicating v few undecideds and I wouldnā€™t expect much shift over the next few months. I expect Biden to win by 8-10 points and be north of 370 electoral votes.

Some more peaceful protesting from the dems mob last night. A peaceful kick to head.

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Those civil rights protestors sure like saying the N-word a lot.

Also, the comments say that it started because the guy on the ground was defending a trans-woman they were attacking.

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BLM should have taken my advice from over a month ago and left it at that. Sadly they didnā€™t and now just like the Republican Party and FineGael, they have allowed themselves to be overrun by extremists

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That was inevitable. I also think that the protests seem to have been getting whiter and whiter as time has gone on.

If the federal branch donā€™t denounce then the big corporations need to drop them. They are only giving succor to the far right fruitcakes at this point, not like they need any excuse mind you

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One reply is encouraging true patriots to go out and slash their Goodyear tires right away in support of our President.
Not sure what the Don is doing here is 100% legal but itā€™s brilliant entertainment

Sheā€™d have been a great candidate in her own right, maybe the best of the Democrat nominees and certainly better than sleepy Joe but the public just didnā€™t take to her at all.

ā€œI donā€™t know him but I wish him wellā€

edit: is this why Barr wanted shot of the DA of SDNY a few weeks ago?

There seems to have been a shift in the last few days. Biden gave a great speech at democratic convention and selection of Harris seemed like a shrewd move but have the democrats played their hand too earlyā€¦
The polls have narrowed considerably and it seems the worm has turned a bit?

I dont know if thereā€™s been much shift in the last few days but I can definitely see him winning it. He was behind in the polls last time as well and voting for him should be less ā€œtoxicā€ and more normalised this time around.

Another police shooting over there. Lad shot 7 times in the back. Not sure if this is good or bad for Trump. Probably good in some of the swing states.

If the corona numbers start to fall off, as seems to be the general trend in Europe once itā€™s reached a certain point, and the country returns to normal in the next few months, then Trump could easily win. Biden is a fucking chump

The Don is gonna cruise this. Sleepy Joe doesnā€™t even know thereā€™s an election today. Heā€™s like Drew Barrymore in that movie with Adam Sandler

the wedding singer?

No- I canā€™t think of it [like Joe]

She woke up every day with no memory