US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Really? Super Slow Creepy Joe.

Yes. Both Kamala and Quid Pro Joe did a great job at the DNC of convincing people what they will do if elected. It just so happens, this is the exact opposite of everything that was outlined at the DNC. There are a lot of people about to get stitched up royally if these cunts get elected.


Imagine Matt Cooper in that scenario

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Cooper will lose it if the don gets back in and CNN will implode.

The lattƩs in the IT canteen will taste like a cup of tea made by Vlad the next day.

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Is there going to be any hard left / libertarian / green candidate ???

Don blitzing sleepy Joe in the debates, must be the worry for democrats

Am I right in saying Harris made no real impression in Democratic primaries - granted she will probably dominate VP debate

She was doing well in the early going but once the DNC decided that Biden was the safe bet her money dried up quickly.

The debates should be epic, Trump will try and get Biden to lose the rag and challenge him to a duel or at the very least an arm wrestle. Biden has quite a bit of history losing his cool. I also expect things to get really ugly, wouldnā€™t be surprised at more accusations against Biden.

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Trump will destroy him in the debates if he keeps his own cool, far from guaranteed

Sleepy Joe will win this handy heā€™ll win by around 8 points and get in the region of 370 electoral votes. No sitting president would have a chance with the economic damage caused by COVID, too late for any meaningfully rebound to save him, early voting starts in 3 weeks and the various polls seem to indicate not too many fence sitters compared to 2016, undecideds broke 3:1 for the Don for a finish 4 years ago.

A poll out for Texas today has Biden leading by 1, Texas has been very competitive this cycle which should be setting off klaxons in Trump HQ. Only Jimmy Carter in 1976 has won Texas for the Dems since LBJ in 1964. If Texas flips Biden is winning in an absolute landslide.

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The fraud in the polls will easily outstrip any ideas the Don has about fraud in November

Canā€™t see the debates having any impact both candidates are very well known the media will hype them up but canā€™t see them having much sway. Clinton fairly schooled the Don in all 3 4 years ago, mattered not a jot in the end.

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Iā€™d imagine Biden will play it very safe in the debates. Let Trump off. The ā€œdo nothingā€ approach is working for Biden at the moment.

Clinton is a good debater though. Agree that the debates are overhyped but this is like no other time in history, the level of seethe between the parties is at unprecedented levels. If Biden keeps his cool he should romp home, but I wouldnā€™t underestimate Trumps ability to get under his skin which is thin enough.


Hiding under the bed is working a treat for Biden

If by some miracle, the yanks come up with a vaccine for this cunt of a virus before November 3rd, then all bets are off.

Debatable. Trump was exploiting the debates to dog whistle and appeal to his base, may not have been apparent at the time but sure as hell was on election night. The Democrats canā€™t allow this to happen again. Trump thrives off exposure, I believe he is making a speech every night of the Republican convention. The average US yokel idiot will only lap it up

Bit early for that talk. Sure Clinton was supposed to take Texas as well. Didnā€™t she spend lots of time focussed on there and ignore the swing states. And look what happened.

Clinton put no resources into Texas and it was never competitive in 2016 Trump won by 9 points