US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Will Trump get the extra debate he was looking for? The debates are the only thing that can save him now you would think

Iā€™m looking forward to him just shouting Chy-na over and over again to rapturous applause

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tenor (39)

I think Susan Rice might have been better. She might have energised black voters more and is generally more legit IMO, although Harris defends him a little against Trumpā€™s attack that he is pro-anarchy.

Are you a junkie?

Canā€™t you tell the difference between an elephant and a lion?

Come on man!

Stay in your basement Joe

FOTF Tucker doesnā€™t think its worth bothering to get a future VPs name right

If the Don retains in November, itā€™ll take a bag a popcorn the size of the Grand Canyon to appreciate the Twitter meltdown

Tuckerā€™s concentration mush always reminds me of Bart and Lisa upon hearing the news that Itchy&Scratchy Land will not be their holiday destination



This will be a good one to lose

My sources on Capitol Hill saying Trumps campaign team have practially given up on Texas :astonished:

Thatā€™s the election over and done with it if true if Texas falls Biden will win Reagan style with
400+ electoral college votes

Expect desperation tactics from here on. Civil unrest is his last hope

Heā€™s attacking the postal service now. Iā€™m still debating with myself whether or not to take a couple of days off for the election.

Murica is screwed as a country if Texas goes Commie.

Letā€™s hope it doesnā€™t come to that. The democrats have unleashed their mobs causing continued unrest and riots while Sleepy Joe is hiding in his basement. Theyā€™re so desperate theyā€™re now propagating this USPS conspiracy shit. Thereā€™s no depths they wonā€™t sink to in order to win this one. Joe canā€™t hide all the way to November though, heā€™ll shoot himself in the face yet.

:joy: :joy: :joy:


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The BLM / Antifa antics overnight may be a step too far for the silent majority. Genuinely disturbing footage emerging.

If you go by the current state polls (not the national ones) Biden beats Trump by 356 - 182.
Taking the following state out of it the score would be 231 -182. Biden would need 39 to win.
The states that are up for grabs (+/-) single digits that Trump needs to win are;

FLORIDA (29) (-4%)
WISCONSIN (10) (-6.5%)
MICHIGAN (16) ( -6.5%)
Arizona(11), (-2%)
Nevada (6), ( -4%)
North Carolina(15), (Tie)
Ohio(18), ( -2%)

At this remove from election day four years ago Crooked Hillary had a 6.6% lead on the Donald in the polls. Game is still very much on.

This is my reading as well, that the polls were so wrong last time that it ainā€™t over till itā€™s over. Biden isnā€™t as toxic as Lying Hillary but maybe Trump could come up with a better attack against Harris. Harris is essentially a very greedy and careerist politician but people havenā€™t realised that yet and the story of her fucking the ugly old man who was her boss might (possibly) turn people against her. Plus the liberals arenā€™t really that enthused by her plus thereā€™s the possibility of a silent surge against the riots.

Against that, I just donā€™t see as many liberals staying home this time. Itā€™s a stretch and it will most likely be a Biden landslide but itā€™s not impossible for Trump to win this.