US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

I assume we’ll all be tuning in and our man @Copper_pipe will be providing the link

Surely people have their minds made up on Trump at this stage. His only hope is covid starts to ease off in the next few months.
I wonder have the republicans some dirt on Biden and are just Biden their time.

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You don’t need dirt, you just need people willing to make accusations. It was almost comical towards the end of the 2016 campaign with new accusations against Trump every day. Same with Kavanaugh, women who were in their mid 20s claiming they attended orgies when Kavanaugh was in high school.

Thing is people know Trump is a scumbag whereas Biden has a relatively clean image. The worst optics on Biden is all the weird touching and kissing he had a habit of doing to women and young girls. I would expect fairly vicious ads to air highlighting that, a doomsday scenario for him would be if someone accused him of worse than the weird touching.

Watch out for it tonight, highly effective


Don will massacre the Nov election as I predicted in 16.

Fraudulent postal voting is the dems only hope of delay, but there will be rivers of blood if that man is fucked around. For the worlds sake I hope there’s no fucking around.

The polls as summarised by RCP suggest otherwise

My point was that around this time in 2016 there was plenty of talk of Clinton having a shot at taking Texas and other GOP states amonst the chattering classes. They put campaign resources in some of them while ignoring other swing states. Bill wasn’t happy about this and was proven right in the end. In short Biden should focus on shoring up the swing states instead of getting cocky and spreading himself thin.

Serious anti Califonia sentiment here

These endless vidieo montages might be just a bit too slick for Trumps base

Everything is way too obvious. America is being set up to go down. The dogs on the street can see that Trump is the only hope for America. I would say 85% of the people are with Trump. What if the results of the next election come back with a Biden victory? Do you think the people are going to stand for that? That is my biggest fear. The whole thing is scripted from years ago. Perhaps Trump is even in on the deal. Build the economy up - destroy it again… Raise peoples hopes and spirit - knock it down and snuff it out with the prospect of socialism and a down spiralling economically smashed and doomed America. Where is the good in that for the American people? What is being fervently sought after here post election is legitimacy. People will feel they have the right. It’s all about legitimacy post election, people on the ground’s legitimacy. Only a small portion of my thoughts here. Things are not looking good.


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H’Up Max

Don is wise to any dirty trucks by Democrats

Reasonably chance he may refuse to acknowledge result (if he loses)

He works for a crowd with sunshine in their names so you know they’ve got to be nice guys

Who was that psychotic ahem, woman screaming her head off on stage last night?

Kimberley Guilfoyle, never heard of her either

She was once married to California governor Gavin Newsom

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