US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

If history can provide a guide the 1968 election suggests unrest will provoke a lurch to the right.


What in the fuck is going on there?

That election ended as a contest in a hotel kitchen basement the previous June

You mean an even further lurch to the right? Donald Trump/Brexit/Edogan/Bolsanero/Orban/Duda/Fine Gael. We are one step away from armageddon here

Good question. I would say that the USA of 1968 was far more “right wing” than the USA of today. Even after 4 years of Trump. I would think that there was a large swing to the left in the intervening years and Trump has been a small correction to the right.

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You had ordinary construction workers attacking anti Vietnam protests back then, even the union people were right wing.

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Was Trump really a “right “ swing . More anti globalist , anti politics etc … not that simple .

Not that simple. But in terms of race, tax cuts, less government, pandering to Evangelicals etc definitely a move to the right.

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Populism and Nationalism are the trendy movements nowadays

People comply and conform as it’s expedient to do so. Has always been the way for good and more likely for bad. Social media has amplified and accelerated its effect along with cancel culture but it’s always been there. Takes a lot of courage to stand up to any mob and risk losing your job, livelihood, maybe life so people conform and get on with it. Catholic Ireland, poppy wearing all the way to the high water mark of Nazism - all stem from normal human behaviour and then can lead to all sorts of evils. Anybody who says they would behave differently to the norm is deluded.

There was a group of people eating outside a restaurant and the BLM movement were marching towards a monument. They were trying to get everyone in their way to take a knee and put their fist in the air as an act of solidarity. One woman refused as she didn’t want to be coerced into doing so. Then there was a tense stand off. The woman in question who refused had already taken part in BLM marches previously.

Fair play to her. It’s a mad country.

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CNN had to play this last night, obviously part of the multi million settlement they had to pay him :smile:

Cherry on top at the end

An Elijah Burke type character

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Trumps America

How is that Trump? Was he president when Trayvon Martin was shot or when Ferguson happened. He killed George Floyd too shur

A white supremacist shoots at least two people stone dead then just walks right on by a convoy of police.
You’re right, nothing to see here

My reading of the Republican convention is that it seems to have gone quite well. It sounds like it was a genuine attempt to win over middle America, floating voters and not traditional Trump voters. It wasn’t just about giving the Trump core what they want. Putting that little cunt from Kentucky on was a mis-step but it doesn’t seem to have been typical.

Most people don’t watch these things though and the media are really looking for mis-steps from both conventions, rather than things that went well so I suspect that all that most people will see will be highlights of that crazy Guilfoyle woman screaming her head off.