US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

American needs Biden

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Just imagine what it must feel like living in America at the moment. No matter what city you’re in you know that it will only take one stupid and trigger-happy police officer popping one black guy and your entire city will be shut down for months with people shooting each other in the streets. You’d be fucking shitting it.

No mention or condemnation of the right wing nutjob who blew away three people with an assault rifle. It was the lefties fault for standing in the way of the bullets

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What part of I condemn the scumbags out rioting and the scumbags out hunting them down does your little pea brain have a hard time processing?

You’d be crazy to stay there

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He wasnt referred to by his political leanings was he? Just the shootees got that label. Typical stuff from you though. Are you still pretending to be on the left?

It’s sadly part and parcel of the country for a long time, there’s nothing yet at least to compare to the Rodney King riots or even to Ferguson more recently, but it could of course get a lot worse. The pandemic and the response to it is creating a prefect storm for the lid to blow off.

I’ve never claimed to be left. About 50% of Democrats are conservative and certainly conservative by European standards. It’s one of the most common mistakes simpletons like yourself make about the US.

Ok mate. You’re irrationally angry.

No mate I’m speaking sense to offset your nonsense.

Course you are

Glad you agree. Stick around you might learn something.

Is the Don making a speech tonight? Good luck with that :smile:

Big Phil apparently wrote it

What happened in the states now? Some lad shot protestors chasing him down the road?

What’s the Jacob Blake story?

NBA and MLB on strike, talk now is of a general national strike altogether including silicon valley

Another George Floyd job. Shot 7 times in the back by the cops getting into his car. Still alive but probably paralysed. The place is fucked up atm.

Welcome to Trumps America