US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Christā€¦ Fucked up. Trump is a war criminal.

Itā€™s gone from #icantbreathe to #icantwalk now tho. Not as catchy.

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Not if you said a novena for me would I go over there atm

Youā€™d want your head examined to be living in the US right now, every city is a ticking timebomb. The country is even worse, full of rednecks

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Tis nearly as bad as living in Tipp

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Ah now, lets not be getting carried away here

Wisconsin AG on here re the shooting. Details seems to be from here and twitter that Jacob Blakeā€™s ex girlfriend called saying he wasnā€™t supposed to be in the house, cops arrived, there was a warrant out for him (havenā€™t seen this verified) they tried to arrest him, couldnā€™t, tasered him, that didnā€™t work, he admitted he had a knife on him (not specified when this was) then went to his car and was shot as he leaned in. No other weapon found in the car though some commentating suggested he said he was going for a gun but i havenā€™t seen this backed up anywhere.

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As a wise man once said, there are three versions of every event. The truth is the one hardest to pin down.

Jacob Blake was shot by an overzealous /panicked cop after he resisted arrest and was reaching into his car for something. He has admitted he had a knife and the knife was found on the floor of his car. The cops were called due to a domestic dispute, a woman claiming her ex was in her house. There seems no justification for shooting him, but sadly when you resist arrest and have a weapon the chances of getting shot go up.

The incident last night, about ten lads chased another lad down the street, there was a load of shots fired and three people were hit, two killed. The lad being chased has been arrested for murder. @EstebanSexface and @Lazarus believe the lads chasing him who would undoubtedly have beaten him to death are the good guys. I think there were no good guys involved.

Creepy Joe Biden, itā€™s nearly as bad as here for political leadersā€¦

Ah mate. Even for you.

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You forget to mention the chap that blew two people away with an assault rifle and shot another fellas arm off was 17. He was 17 walking around with an assault rifle. He hopped down from Illinois to shoot a few lads. He managed to get all the way back to Illinois too


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Yes heā€™s a scumbag, as are the people who have been rioting and burning down buildings for the past three nights. Do you question that the lads chasing him, some of whom were armed as well, would have killed him or were they interested in a chat?

You are absolutely clueless.

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Balanced as always.

Why did a 17 year old travel from illinois with an assault rifle? Why are you making excuses for him?

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Likely a Rambo type, felt it was his civic duty. Probably a bit of a simpleton, not that unusual.

Hes been charged with first degree intentional homicide. Do you think heā€™ll get off on self defence like youā€™re claiming?

And yes, itā€™s very unusual for a 17 year old to blow people away with an assault rifle. What the absolute fuck

You never answer questions, but feel you still have the right to ask the same thing incessantly. Interesting.

This america, man

No heā€™ll be convicted of murder. Second degree if he was being shot at.

If you look at the video, he continues to shoot after those pursuing him all run away. Therefore he went way beyond self defence.