US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

It isnā€™t actually, there have been plenty examples of young males blowing away people including kids, while you were asleep apparently.

Agreed, his self defense claim will not hold up in court.

More angles here though yer man presenting is a serious oddball

Warning some of it is graphic

Police and white supremacist collusion. Nothing more, nothing less.

I stopped reading at ā€˜over-zealous/panickedā€™ - you are a sick cunt making excuses for murderers. I hope you pray every day to your imaginary God that you were born with white skin.

Whereā€™s the collusion? He was arrested and charged when they knew what happened

I donā€™t believe in any imaginary gods mate.

A white lad living in the most racist country on the planet railing against racism in a country 9k miles away from him, you simply couldnā€™t make it up.

Youā€™d want your head examined not to be tooling up right now across the pond

And they canā€™t have a beer until 21?

Comical Ali springs to mind.

The sleepy socialist with the hammer and sickle in her profile. Iā€™m sure she was out there in her goggles and helmet screaming at people to raise a fist like her. Gimme a break, sadcase.

Says the far right nutjub with the gun totinā€™ fellow far right nutjob in his profile.
Do me a favor

Walter Sobchak was a practising Jew. You donā€™t turn your Judaism in like a library card.


The hammer and sickle should be viewed the same way as a swastika would be

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Ann has turned against Trump the past 18 months. Something to do with him being all talk and soft on immigration and the wall.

Would you?