US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Twice on a Sunday. Sheā€™s about 6 foot tall too, those conservative birds are animals in the scratcher

She could read me the second amenment all night long baby

Far wight, thatā€™s about all youā€™re good for, tattoo it on your forehead

You left out nutjob

Three thousand years of beautiful tradition

I hope trump loses the election because I donā€™t really like him

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I see Pelosi is advising Sleepy Joe to stay hiding in his basement and swerve the tv debates. They must think heā€™s absolutely incapable of saying anything other than ā€œCā€™mon Man!ā€ when under a bit of pressure. Itā€™d be some admission of cowardice if he was to avoid them or angle for a remote situation. Theyā€™ll do anything to keep him hiden away until November.

TV debates arenā€™t worth a fuck. People want real policy not soundbites

Itā€™s worth seeing if the potential president can actually speak for himself and answer questions. Stop making excuses. Sweep sweep.

Sleepy Joe is a man of substance. Trump is a celebrity TV star. The people want substance not soundbites

Maybe @Tierneevin1979 can help me out here but iirc its generally accepted that it was the debates that got JFK over the line

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The people want to see him out of his basement and answer a couple of questions that arenā€™t pitched up softballs.

Maybe @anon67715551 can help me here but Im pretty sure that was in black and white?

A debate is a debate

TV debates are for surviving. They can absolutely swing an election as in Reaganā€™s demolition of Mondale in 84. Itā€™s a sign of how worried Democrats are if they want to avoid a debate, and itā€™s a very risky move. Trump would absolutely love it, he would probably arrange a debate with himself.


Biden is playing his Trump card here, I donā€™t know if your get politics

Not these days

His strategy is hiding.

No, the Chicago mob did that.


A lot of logic here. Itā€™s the smart move to maybe not give Trump what he so desperatly wants? Needs