US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Guerrilla politics, keep up

It would be an incredible sign of weakness to not debate. There are valid reasons to try and avoid them when you are ahead in the polls, but the impression would be Biden can’t be trusted to stand up to Trump. Not a good look.

It works just fine for Boris Johnson, the Democrats are taking notes there, believe me.

Debate in black & white, sweat rowled off Tricky Dicky. Electoral shenanigans in Chicago proved decisive at the death. Those involved included Mayor Daley, Frank Sinatra and mafia kingpin Sam Giancana.


Did ye have the microwave popcorn out for it in Mohill? Or did you save that luxury for the moonlanding?

I have a great book here on Mayor Daly and Chicago politics. The Micks were the kings of Chicago. The crookedest bunch of cunts you’d ever see. :joy:

The Daly’s are much beloved in downtown Chicago to this very day

The “moonlanding” never happened, all made up from Hollywood. A successful attempt at fooling the world. Surely you don’t believe that oul’ yarn… Total bullshit from the Yanks.
They threw in the Michael Collins pilot thing as a sop to us Mick’s here. A con job.

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Didn’t Boris hide away from the public and it did him no harm.

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Half the city is named after him sure. They had some operation. Favours for everyone and jobs for the boys. FF on steroids


As if a country that voted Donald Trump their leader could ever accomplish such a feat

Someone with an actual brain here

Correct it was the first televised debate I think ever Nixon didn’t wear makeup and in a hot studio started sweating and came across as being flustered and frankly non presidential

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The people who listened on radio polled overwhelmingly that Nixon won that debate. Just shows the power of TV

:zzz: Joe will not have to dribble and just remember where he is and it’s all over

What time is Trumps speech tonight?



He will be on at the end, probably around 3AM your time.

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What’s the book?

What the Dems need now is to get loads of celebrities out telling the commoners how to vote

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