US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

The same lads clapping for Boris for refusing to debate with Corby now foaming at the mouth because no one wants to come out and play with Don. You couldnā€™t make it up :smile:

Itā€™s an old one now at this stage. Not sure if still in print. Got it in a second hand book shop yonks ago


The most accurate poll from 2016 Rasmussen made out that much of Bidens lead has evaporated. Economy and Law and order are where this will be won and lost. It seems like riots, fires and general anarchy could descend on any neighbourhood in America at any given time. This existential threat and Biden saying he wants to defund the police and not condemning the riots means he has backed himself into a corner. It doesnā€™t help either when all the states that are most affected like Washington, Oregon, Minnesota, Illinois etc have democratic governors.

Trump looks fucked in that case

That was my reading from the conventions. I interpreted the Republican convention as Trumpā€™s first ever attempt to occupy the political centre. Too little too late for anyone with half a brain obviously but these are Americans weā€™re talking about.

Plus the protests have gotten out of hand. I honestly think however that there would immediately be a massive reduction beginning the day that Biden wins. Perhaps you think thatā€™s naive.

No hiding from the virus from Trump. Close to 2,000 gathered outside the White House for his live speech, not a mask in sight.

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You would hope so, but I think whatā€™s naive is to expect the kind of events that have sparked the protests to just go away. They were happening long before Trump and they will continue to happen until there is a countrywide effort to train cops on de-escalation methods that donā€™t end in shootings. Thereā€™s also a significant element within the protest movement that donā€™t care whether itā€™s Trump or Biden in the White House.

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Making a convenion speech from the White House and playing Leonard Cohen while heā€™s at it.
This is one desperate man

Will Trump condemn White supremacists going around murdering people on the street or will he pull a Tucker Carlson and actively encourage it?

Great speech hereā€¦


Great speech. The year we live in is 2020 though not 1960

President to be sleepy Joe recommends de-allocation as opposed to defunding and of course Fox News here canā€™t tell the difference

Itā€™s very relevant. The US is in a shambles and by refusing to condemn some of the chaos thatā€™s going on the dems run the risk of looking like they condone it. And that wonā€™t win them votes. All the mostly peaceful protest rhetoric could hand re-election to trump. And no one wants that.

Fairly sure the Dems did actually condemn a white supremacist shooting people headfirst in the street and walking way scot free. I would think any genuinely decent human being would.
Tucker Carlson on the other hand calls these marauding White Supremacists American heroes

Why are you ranting about Tucker Carlson?

Hereā€™s a bit of bed time reading for you. Iā€™m off to sleep.

This is why. Seen as you clearly canā€™t keep up with events maybe you should sleep more and comment less sleepy Alf. You have a brain though Iā€™ll give you that, you just need to optomize it

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Trump giving TLP a run for their money with these vids
Conor McGregors boss up now talking about Lawless America

After our year in Ireland I assume this is the kind of future we have to look forward to, division and sub division and increased atomization and so on. Vote Trump

Ben Carson is serious hard work