US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Some respite

It’s actually heartbreaking to witness what former Mayor of NYC Rudi Giuliani has become. He is clearly not well

Here we go

This speech could win the election right here. Don can only make things worse following this

Has anyone ever told you what an utter gimp you are?

Insecure right wing nutjobs yes

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Trump cannot stand by and watch the world burn anymore

This is the most boring speech in history, sleepy Joe has nothing to fear here

Serious shades of Nuremberg here

This speech is beyond brutal in all fairness.

Its like one of those speeches where a county board chaiman spends a lifetime before handing over the trophy

Is Trump stoned? Most lads give that up by the age of 30

Not much to work with here for the tough guy brigade I’m afraid, poor old paddy trump

As the the forums resident expert on Trump and I can honestly say thats the worst speech I’ve ever heard him make, I genuinely think it may have been written from Republicans within who want rid

Astonishing. We’ve seen it all before, but astonishing delivery and take down. Not that it’ll matter mind you.

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The Clinton News Network arkancide show.
I’ll wait for our man on the ground over there to give us the skinny.

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Protesters letting elderly Republican conference attendees have it.

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That was brilliant, what a great man.

If Biden wins he should get a prominent posting in the White House.