US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Ivanka stole the show last night, sheā€™s a serious operator. Sheā€™d win the entire TFK blok vote with the blink of an eye

tenor (40)

Just another day in Trumps America

America is gone forget about it.

America has been perhaps the biggest casualty yet in 2020. Even bigger than big Phil

The Democrats and their mobs are trying to destroy it but it will prevail.

Gas cunt



Not if you gave me the euromillions would I go over there

One dead in Portland after BLM and Trump supporters clashed.
Civil war getting closer every day, and Iā€™ve bad news for the liberals thereā€™s only one side winning that fight. Most of the Trump lads are better armed than the US army

Trump is going to Kenosha this week. Either to wind up the left a bit more or to try and claim a bit more of the middle ground. Either way itā€™s a winning strategy. Heā€™ll walk it in November

Itā€™s gonna be like Teddy Rooseveltā€™s walk up San Juan hill

You have a great grasp of the nuances of US Presidential history

Itā€™s the little things that get you on Mount Rushmore


His hide in the bunker strategy appears to have backfired surprisingly, desperation measures from here on, like Nixon on steroids

He made a post a week or two ago saying that 85% of the public supported Trump and thereā€™d be a civil war if the election was fixed and Trump lost. It was the funniest thing Iā€™ve read in TFK since lockdown nearly.

Iā€™ve been watching these kind of videos for a long time, they havenā€™t changed that much since Trump came along. The bottom video you showed there, where the guy has his hands on his back and then the guard comes along and kicks him in the back, the guard is so fucking stupid and so badly trained that I nearly feel sorry for him. Heā€™s never even done one day of martial arts.

That lad did everything asked and still got it in the back. The civil war will be vicious

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