US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

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Who do you vote for in Ireland?

I’ll vote for Biden as he is unlikely to do any serious damage and hopefully Kamala will succeed him as soon as possible. I do have serious doubts that Biden can get it over the line though.

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I vote FG but I would vote for Sleepy
Joe if I had a vote in the USA

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The left is responsible for most state sponsored hate and violence in history.

Strange, no coverage on CNN of another momentous peace deal today. This time between Kosovo and Serbia.

You are over reaching now, please stay on topic

Why? He’ll win pulling up Texas is even looking it will be in the Democratic column

My sources tell me the Trump campaign have already given up on Texas

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I don’t trust polls, especially this far out. What is unquestionable is that the margin that Biden had in polls in the swing states has shrunk, in many states to the margin of error. What will swing the undecideds between now and Nov 3 is the question, and some of that is unknown at this point. What if there is a vaccine before Nov 3? What if the October jobs report is good again and the economy improving? What if there are major riots in more cities? What if Biden is a blubbering mess in the debates?

What if your auntie had balls she’d be your uncle. Stop over reaching and try to stay on point please. This is not the Fox news channel

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“People you should listen to” Ok, I’ll take it under advisement mate.
No hate here believe me. Waterford lad who doesn’t abhor Tipp with all my being.
For the record would be center of the road politically. Have generally voted to the left though. Brian O Shea was a good TD for Waterford back in the day. Never voted FF, gave Deasy No 1 in 2011 out of frustration and Cullinane No 1 this time round.
I don’t believe the Russian collusion because I think its nonsense.
For every Kara and Scott on your side there are doppelgangers on the other side. I’ve read and listened to enough to make my own mind up.


Brian O Shea always looked after my beloved Butlerstown. The people of Waterford could do with a few more like him today

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You haven’t a notion pal, like your bewildered sidekick you are wrong on every election and almost every issue. How did the lovefest with Jezza work out? I actually think people like you are a jinx as they turn off so many voters.

You’re back to doing that mad thing where you give us every reason trump will win and Biden will lose, rubbishing any suggestion to the contrary, poopooing any polls that say Biden is in the lead and basically saying Biden is a bumbling useless cunt.
While still saying you’ll vote for Biden and you think hell win.

Now now, you’ve been doing reasonably well, no need to scupper yourself from here. Leave the nasty to the edgelord types and try and focus from here on

Mostly correct, voting Democrat but well aware of the potential pitfalls between here and Nov 3 as any person paying attention should be. Biden is a weak candidate, and his health could become a major issue before the election for a lot of voters. You do realize that the largest slice of voters in the US identify as independent right? People who don’t associate with R or D and very often make their minds up the day of the election. They are the ones to worry about.

Do you think Biden will win or not? Obviously it won’t be a landslide I don’t think anyone thinks that anymore and certainly not the bookies who have them neck and neck
The call is a simple one. Who will win? Obviously you can change that opinion as time goes on but currently what do you think and why?

At this moment I think Biden/Harris will win, but as always it will depend on turnout. If they can get the mail in voting humming in the swing states it should make a big difference, as more young people will vote who traditionally don’t bother making it to the polls.

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How do people qualify for the postal voting?