US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

You have to be registered to vote and request an absentee ballot which gets mailed to you. The biggest issue in many states is they are not set up to deal with a large number of mail in ballots, so the worry is it will take days or weeks to sort them and count them. There will undoubtedly be a lot of noise surrounding mail in voting.

Internet character gonna character

Oh my, even Fox News is turning itā€™s back on Trump and his horrid lies. One can only wonder where excitable types like @Enrique and @Tierneevin1979 can go from here.

Tbf heā€™s right, the Vietnam war was a stupid war.

Good grief

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I think Trump might have finally crossed a line with the military comments.
The Yankeeā€™s love their soldiers

But but fake news!

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Itā€™s not a real news story without footage, it doesnā€™t matter how many anonymous people we are told have confirmed it. Imagine some of the shit that the likes of Haughey, Conor Cruise Oā€™Brien, the Bertie Ahern gang and Varadkar must have said in private but the Irish media always had too much respect / cop-on to reprint hearsay. If youā€™re a Trump supporter then it basically comes down to ā€œdo you believe the MSM?ā€ and the answer to that is already no.

Also, even if itā€™s true, we donā€™t know the context of what was said. Did he just mean Vietnam vets? When John Kerry came home from Vietnam and started campaigning against the war his big slogan was ā€œHow can you tell someone to be the last man to die in Vietnam? How can you tell someone to die for a lie?ā€ Pretty much every anti-war liberal thinks that the troops who fought in Vietnam were exploited and that people who believed in the war were idiots but this is just offensive because of who is saying it.

Still, the controversy will help Joe Biden just because it takes the heat off him and puts Trump on the defensive in a week where Trump was gaining some momentum. It reminds people that Trump is an enormous cunt.



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Stage 4

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Sheā€™s about to receive a lot of strongly worded letters methinks

Looks like the following states will go Red
North Carolina
Pennsylvania the gap is tightening

Leaving Bidens hope of securing the additional 39 required down to

Wisconsin (10) - very likely atm
Nevada (6) - likely atm
Arizona (11) - likely atm
Michigan (16) - likely atm

Thatā€™s the route without winning the big two of Pennsylvania and Florida.
Lose one of those and his goose could be cooked. Biden needs to stay in his basement.

When are the debates? Are they even going ahead? All this could change.
If sleepy Joe just manages to stay awake and not say anything stoopid just let Trump beat himself

Fox News anchor doing the first one 29 September. Two more on the 15 October and the 22 October. Trump will be ahead in the polls on the 30 September.

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Tuckers hosting that one I take it :smile:
Are they together on stage or zoom job?

Chris Wallace, Trump absolutely hates him.

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Trump hates everything bro.

Don with his finger on the pulse as always