US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Rory came joint 8th I believe, Iā€™m sure heā€™s also a winner to some lads on here

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If the hosts go easy on Hiden at all the Don will cry foul fake news live on air. Itā€™s going to be a live political murder of senile Joe either way, assuming Joe knows heā€™s won the nomination by then

He gets a participation medal every time, that has to count for something

Thereā€™s only 19 lads out there with more participation medals than him

Surely the kiss of death for Biden now.


Mayo for Kam


A Mayo final loss and Matt Cooper losing his shit . Trump is an awful bollix but ā€¦

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Iā€™m fully buying the ā€œTrump resurgenceā€ story but a major factor in Bidenā€™s favour over Lying Hillary that we havenā€™t really discussed here is the fact that Biden is a man. He has a cock and balls instead of a vagina and ovaries like Hillary had. That is worth a huge amount to American voters, far more than itā€™s even worth in Ireland, which elects fairly few women.

I remember being at a fairly awful stand-up night in the International Bar during the run up to the last election. The stand-up asks some young 20-something American guy in the audience who he will vote for. The young lad isnā€™t sure what to say so he says something like ā€œitā€™s being asked do you want to be fucked in the ass or fucked in the mouth.ā€ The stand-up says, ā€œAh, like all Americans, you are retarded.ā€ That gets the biggest laugh of the night. Literally the funniest joke all show.

Afterwards I go up to the young American lad and ask him about the election. He starts saying ā€œWell, I want a man to lead the nationā€¦ā€ That was a massive factor last time round - people who would lie to pollsters because they didnā€™t want to say openly that they would never vote for a woman to be President. Trump can still win but itā€™s an advantage that he had the last time and doesnā€™t have this time.

I wouldnā€™t trust anything I see or hear upstairs in the International Bar buddy. I know lads who used to wing it there back in the late 90ā€™s, lovely to hear itā€™s still a thing



You appear to have missed the point there.

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Would you not think Crooked Hilary got a nice bit of the vote out the last time because she was a woman? It was literally her only policy or campaign message from what I could see?

I think Biden is married to his strategy now. He will stay very quiet and hope Trump trips himself up. I, personally, donā€™t think itā€™ll work and Trump will edge the electoral college

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Most women hated her, it was more of a disadvantage than an advantage


Preaching about empowering women whilst standing behind a husband who raped and ā€˜smoked cigarsā€™ in the Oval Office is a square she couldnā€™t circle.

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That is a humiliation to this country.


A few blatant wokefishers in the middle of that malarkey

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