US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Great timing to be telling the yanks that not alone is their president an undesirable in Ireland but his replacement is a clown as well. The left, the gift that keeps on giving.

RBB speaks for the people of Ireland. Democracy is still a thing

Some posh boy ā€œsocialistā€ who draws down a big wage but will never seek responsibility .

The left and centrists moan about ā€œRussian interference ā€œ in every election where they donā€™t like the result and now he wants our parliament and government to interfere in US election .

To be fair he is harmless

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Most FFG TD types are but the produce of nepotisms arse end one way ot the other. At least this lad speaks his own mind. I think thats what scares people about him

What has FF & FG got to do with this matter .

Donald Trump ā€œspeaks his mindā€

RBB is utterly harmless and I find him a bit of a laugh

You said posh so I reminded you of nepotism that begets our political landscape.
Good for Trump
Heā€™s not as harmless as you wish

I thought Katherine Zappone was already over there on a mission for Oirleand?

PBP workshy types, get fucked

Unreal, unbelievable


Yep, youā€™d have to say it would be a crying shame if he went through life without getting this sort of honour.

Gandhi was a punk and a loser in comparison.

Heā€™s just wiped himself out with that comment. Stupid boy Richard.

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ā€œIndeed, Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict. The last president to avoid doing so was Peace Prize laureate Jimmy Carter,ā€

No wonder the militiary industrial complex wants him gone.


Good to know Nancy and whatever else is left of the US has our back

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A bum, a loser etc etcā€¦

Youā€™d have to give the Don kudos for that

I cant believe this is the best the democrats could come up with. It was an open goal for them but somehow it is a contest that will go down to the wire and that they could very well lose.

Expect absolute war in the next few weeks. With the death of Justice Ginsberg, Trump will try and push through a Supreme Court pick before the election. He has the votes in the Senate to get it done.

Tell them Mr Justice Seamus Woulfe will be available any day now if theyā€™re stuck

He may not have the votes. Collins, Murkowski and Romney are likely not to nominate before the election, then one more Republican and it wonā€™t pass. But heā€™ll likely nominate someone anyway to stir up the pot and get the fireworks going.
Probably more likely to get a nomination in the three months after the election even if he loses and the Republicans lose the senate.

Depends on who he nominates. If he nominates a
moderate it will be hard for any republican to oppose them, especially those in tight races. If he nominates someone like Amy Barrett there will be fireworks.