US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

I guess this could be used by Trump to mobilize the evangelicals before the election by nominating some headbanger, although his two previous nominations of Kavanaugh and Gorsuch were normal enough by American conservative standards and proper judges.

Trump is likely to propose Cuban American Judge Barbara Lagoa,
You have to hand it to him, he knows where the battles will be fought.

Where are things at this stage is Biden still likely to win?

Yes, should win handily enough. The first debate is in a week or so, if Joe survives that he should sail home.

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He does in his fuck

This is hilarious. As Bill Hicks said, ā€˜Jesus, what ballsā€™ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Mother of christ, imagine the seethe :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Some banters

Morto for @ironmoth and his tough guy crew

Tucker is a serious operator. Serious.

Is fox fake news now as well? Whatā€™s left? Infowars?

Thought Fox were the Donā€™s go to news guys?

I watch quite a bit of Fox news. Theyā€™re actually way more balanced than CNN. Yes there are some Trump idiots there but a lot of their presenters are quite balanced



POTY :joy:

Iā€™ve obviously touched a nerve with you this evening. Have a drink, relax. Take a chill pill. Maybe ring in sick on Monday.

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