US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Her husband is quite possibly an uncle or a cousin of renowned pugilist, flag-carrier and assorted other attributes Francie Barrett. “How’s that looking now Boss”

I would an all.

I’d say it’s more like Justin Barrett she is kin with it.

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Amy live at the rose garden.


This is a master-stroke by Trump. When the election result ends up in the Supreme Court, people will finally realise the genius of the man.


The confirmation hearings will be epic. I wonder will we have any accusations of Amy sexually assaulting classmates in high school?


Beautiful speech by President Trump earlier when officially nominating Amy for Supreme Court. He spoke of her integrity and her devotion to her 7 children - 2 of whom were adopted from that shithole Haiti. Almost brought a tear to the eye.



Could it really be that simple @Tierneevin1979? Trump loses election, challenges it in supreme court and they find in his favour as he appointed a load of them.

She culturally appropriated two black kids, what a racist.


The main question is how crazy is her husband/decision maker



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A contested election is certainly possible. The only way to avoid it is if Biden wins comfortably on election night. If Trump is ahead expect him to contest any state which has outstanding mail in ballots to count.

She quite possibly is

The dogma runs deep in you.

Deeper in the nominee by many accounts. So much for separation of church and state.

Her religion is irrelevant, have a read of the US constitution. If being a Catholic was an issue, JFK should never have been elected, Biden shouldn’t be running, and Pelosi shouldn’t be speaker. Democrats would be very foolish to attack her on her faith, Feinstein was an absolute idiot to bring it up in 2017.

Do the ‘checks and balances’ of the houses not curb any potential dogmatic instincts of presidents though? Does the scotus have equivalent mechanisms to counter potentially dogmatic instincts of its members?
I aint the man otg & itk so happy to be corrected but dogma seems to be a bigger issue when it comes to the scotus than the presidency and other political nominations and elections.
I do remember reading somewhere in the past how worried conservative america was about kennedy taking instruction from the vatican when he was running.

A fascinating thing about the scotus is the number of Catholics on it, if Barrett is confirmed that will be six out of the nine, in a country with only 20% Catholics, and a court that traditionally was almost exclusively white protestant men. Sotomayor the most liberal on the court is a Catholic, so religion doesn’t seem to be a litmus test nor should it.

Law Schools like Notre Dame and Yale have a rich Catholic tapestry.

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Fundie prods don’t generally become law scholars, so you end up with the interesting situation now where evangelicals throw their weight behind conservative catholic nominees, when a generation ago they wouldn’t have voted for someone like JFK because he was a Papist who was a follower of the whore of Rome.
Maybe we’ll see something like that in NI someday, with DUP knucklehead voters supporting conservative Catholics.