US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Juicer Joe.

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Very quiet here about the Dons tax returns, presumably paying tax is only for suckers and losers!

Maybe heā€™s just not a very good bidness man. He got the equivalent of a billion or so off his auld lad


The question here is did he make money and if so was there evasion . Are we any the wiser ??

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Harvard professor Noah Feldman who is a liberal and supported the impeachment of Donal Trump has said that ACB deserves to be supreme court justice and is most qualified to do so. I would say that quite a few democrats like John Bel Edwards, Colin Peterson would support her only they cannot be seen to do so in public.

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Tip of the iceberg stuff Iā€™d say, he will get away with ā€œfake newsā€ for the next 5 weeks as the vast majority of his base will not be swayed by this. It might move the dial in terms of the swing states that are neck and neck and turn it into a blow out for Biden. The race has been remarkably steady since June, Biden up around 7 nationally is where it seems to be settling at and he is ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and PA. Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Georgia and Texas all look like complete toss ups. If this swings just 1-2% to Biden in these states the Don is in for a heavy defeat.

Mainly tax avoidance rather than tax evasion, thereā€™s a 10 year old dispute with the IRS which is the closest to evasion but the case is still ongoing. They would have nailed him long ago if it were obvious evasion. Trump is no different to most business owners and corporations in that he/they will use everything in the tax code to avoid paying a cent more in tax than they have to. The discussion around the NYT article is obviously focused on the years he paid no tax or had refunds, but it also reports he paid $24 million over the same 15 year period they looked at.


Youā€™re a clown.

No Ivy League education for ACB.
This is akin to appointing a judge to the Irish Supreme Court who got their legal education in a polytechnic like UL.


What Irish channel will this be on tonight lads? Want to set it to record

Remember the daily breathless round the clock coverage of Russian collusion of about 4 / 5 networks, all declaring the election was stolen?Unreal when you think about it, all based on a made up dossier. There were posters here creaming themselves on a daily basis at each little nugget - all turned out to be complete bollocks.


A made up dossier to deflect from crooked hillary no less. Some racket.

The big scandal is that US intelligence knew in July 2016 that it was a dirty tricks campaign by Clinton, hid that information from Congress, and allowed the fucking Mueller probe go ahead. Utter wankers.

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Sleepy Joe refusing to let Trumps team checkbif he is wearing a hidden ear piece

Trump has the Democrats hopping like sausages in a frying pan

Trump will try every trick he can think of tonight

But shur the Steele dossier originated where and by whom? Its been a con since the get go.

What time does this kick off?

2am our time

Itā€™ll get proper nasty. Remember the Republican primaries where Trump demolished all his male competitors? He couldnā€™t do it to Hillary as it would be seen as misogynism, Biden will not be spared though. The question is can Biden keep his cool when Trump calls Hunter Biden a crook and on the take from Moscow. If Biden can stay above the fray he should win handily, but itā€™s a very big if. When was the last time Biden was exposed to a relentless attack in a debate?

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The Trump base on message as per usual I see

This is a very troubling development and one that threatens to torpedo Biden unless he can distance himself from it.