US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

It’s on the rte news now channel

If only Biden could have seen the likes of @Enrique and @Ralphie coming

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There’ll be no hidin place for sleepy tonight, win lose or draw. Try not get yourself too worked up later, get a green tea into you pre-game.

7/4 on Biden winning debate tonight and wearing a blue tie - fill yer boots

What constitutes a win?

Staying upright for 90 minutes.


With luck Trump fans may lay off the candyfloss and petrol tonight and we might get some genuine non partisan debate going for once here on these important issues

Democrat channel CNN snap poll

If Biden has any sense he’ll just rip the piss out of trump. The size of his hands, the affairs, maybe challenge him to a ramp walking competition or drinking from a glass with just the one hand, challenge him to a recital competition of the pledge and the anthem. ‘Muricah needs a laugh right now.


And his orange hair and face

The hair care tax write offs would be a good one to go after :laughing:

The world turning the corner starts tonight, a victory shall be struck for common human decency

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One of the panel here on CNN just said if Biden is standing by the end of it they will be happy. Talking about this being a street fight. Good God. Leaders of the free world indeed.

@Spidey takes an early bath

Biden a bit stuttery from the off

Red Rover

Bernie and Socialism getting a regular airing. Joe not great at getting out of that corner

Biden calling trump a clown. :smiley:

Biden doing better on Covid

The world is fucked either way based off this