US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

Shocking stuff.

A shitshow. Bedtime.

The ref is shit. He should have handed out a couple of cards early on to lay down a marker. Complete chaos.

This is a new low for humanity

That ā€˜94 comment about blacks coming back to bite Joe in the proverbials.

The Donald has this on points so farā€¦

Trump will be re-elected

Trump ran away from calling out white supremacists, jumped into Antifa straight away

Iā€™d give it narrowly to Biden. He improved as time went on and didnā€™t lose energy.

ā€œI love counting the votesā€ :grin:

Biden held up better as it went on, which I didnā€™t think would be the case

Joe definitely finished down the home straight stronger. The Donald is barking up the wrong tree on the mail ballot issue, I donā€™t know why heā€™s pursuing it. Thought Joe was doing well on the military, then Don threw some clever shit about Hunter Biden and some of it stuck.

Iā€™m gonna sit on the fence and call it a draw.

Trump started well. Just by never shutting up which seemed to discombobulate Biden. But he got worse as the debate went on and the final 20 minutes by him was godawful. Biden actually seemed to grow into it after a very slow start. Maybe his drugs finally kicked in.


CNNā€™s focus group summed up the night. About 15 people and 2 said they would vote for Trump and 1 for Biden. Neither the big winner.

Trump will get 4 more years.

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Back to the focus group and now itā€™s 4 for Biden and 2 for Trump.

Biden came third in tonightā€™s debate.

The 46 months/46 years best headshot of the night, will be aired a good bit again

Trump at 11/10 is finding money.

Biden foolishly tried to answer the questions askedā€¦ I donā€™t think Trump answered a single question asked.

Apparently Biden got pwned.