US Politics II To Trump or not to Trump

You wat m8?

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That Fox hack let Drump do as he wished.

Thatā€™s why I thought Joe was the winner.

Joe called him a clown and told him shut up at one stage ā€¦ Trump ruined every single segment, dragging it down to his level with petty snipes, yapping and being allowed railroad Joeā€™s speaking timeā€¦ I thought he stood up well to it but it was farcical


He was poor but how do you moderate a debate where one of the participants is a childish bully who does nothing but obstruct, interrupt and insult. Whoā€™s doing the next one? They will need an air horn to make it any way constructive.
Last night was for his base like everything he does is, especially telling a white supremacist group to stand by.


Youā€™d really worry for the American political system observing this.

Chy-na ate your lunch Joe

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Fair but also cnn so fake

Watching an interview on Jimmy Kimmel with the great Bernie Sanders after the debate.

What a guy Bernie is.

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Water off a ducks back for President Trump but that fellow challenging him seems like a very rude individual. Was more interested in trading personal insults than debating the issues.

Weā€™re a long way through the looking glass here. That white suprematist reference should have chilled everyone to the bone, but itā€™s just another throwaway comment for this guy.

Heā€™s like a spoiled little childā€¦ Itā€™s funny listening to him saying that x or y thought he was doing a good job on an issueā€¦ Like that validates him :laughing:

America is truly fucked.

Projext X

Itā€™s sad that society has come to this, but itā€™s been coming for some time and a rains gonna come sooner or later.

The Chinese would run America better than the Americans at this stage.

It must have been very tight.

Fox had Trump winning
CNN had Biden winning

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Nobodyā€™s changing their mind at this stage youā€™d think. But Sleepy Joe has to get them out to vote for him and heā€™s hardly inspiring

Sleepy joe didnā€™t look all that sleepy to me.

Trump had him well rattled with the mrs Moscow mayor jabā€¦joe defended his son admirably until it became clear he was talking about a different son, either a diversionary tactic or he was getting his sons mixed up. Iā€™ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was confused.
Did trump tell white supremacists to stand aside or stand by?

No big punches landed

I reckon the Republicans can take losing this election and sleepy Joe will be a godsend to them with 4 years cleaning up on Co-vid and god knows what to come out on ā€œHunterā€

Well my big fear going in was that Biden would have dementia and that didnā€™t happen so overall I think Iā€™m happy.